Rise Up: A Call to Leadership for African American Women, By Sylvia Rose

Rise Up

A Call to Leadership for African American Women

by Sylvia Rose

Rise Up
  • Length: 144 pages
  • Dimensions: 5.5 × 8.25 in
  • Published: June 09, 2004
  • Imprint: IVP
  • Item Code: 3212
  • ISBN: 9780830832125

*affiliate partner

Do you hear the call to lead?

"The world needs women to stand in leadership," writes Sylvia Rose, "black women in particular. We need to lead from the insight that we have had at the bottom. We need to take our valley experiences to those on the mountaintop. We need to serve as lawyers for those who, through mere birth and bad breaks, cannot know justice in a system that too often recognizes and rewards wealth. We must be jurists because we have been misjudged. We must sit on corporate boards and become CEOs because we make up a great majority of the blue-collar jobs that fill the coffers of the corporate world. We have been great mothers but it?s time for us to birth other things. This generation needs something that our lives contain, and we must answer their call."

God calls all of us to serve with our gifts. As we follow God into leadership, we will need new skills. Drawing on her own rich experience as well as the experience of others, Sylvia Rose shows us the way through some of the challenges, such as

  • facing crisis
  • acting with courage
  • listening to your conscience
  • maintaining your commitment
  • developing compassion

Are you ready to follow God even into leadership? It will be the greatest challenge and the most thrilling opportunity of your life.


Introduction: A Cry for Leadership
1. Being Chosen
2. Responding to the Call
3. Facing Crisis
4. Acting with Courage
5. Listening to Your Conscience
6. Maintaining Your Commitment
7. Developing Compassion
8. Growing in Conviction
9. Overcoming Challenges


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Sylvia Rose

A former teacher and school administrator, Rose now has an active speaking, writing and songwriting ministry. She has led workshops at churches and conferences in 20 states across the USA. She has published articles, poetry and dramatic readings in a variety of publications, and her book A Guide to Effective Choral Singing was published in 1987. In addition, Rose has composed more than 200 songs--many licensed and included in music books around the world, including her own hymnal, Songs of Faith. Rose's music publishing companies, Srose Publishing Co, Inc, (BMI), and Great Heritage Publishing (ASCAP), have produced and distributed many recordings.