Rewriting Your Broken Story: The Power of an Eternal Perspective, By Kenneth Boa
Rewriting Your Broken Story
  • Length: 216 pages
  • Dimensions: 5.5 × 8.25 in
  • Published: May 12, 2016
  • Imprint: IVP
  • Item Code: 4461
  • ISBN: 9780830844616

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How do you fix a broken story?

In this fallen world, life is often not how we thought it would be. Jobs vanish, relationships crumble, health fails. How do we find the hope to persevere?

We can make sense of our broken stories by seeing them in the context of a larger and greater story. Kenneth Boa shows how God can transform our lives with an eternal perspective, when we live with the end in mind. In light of eternity, our struggles are temporary and our plot twists are not fatal. We are hard-wired by God with eternity in our hearts, and that longing gives us purpose, blesses others and helps us make a lasting mark on the world.

Knowing our future is crucial to living our present. When we see our stories within his greater story, we learn to live with a heavenly perspective and follow it all the way home.

"No one I know has the ability to stretch the mind and encourage the heart quite like Ken Boa. His presentation in this book will help all of us to write a different page in the diaries of our present by seeing the last page from God's perspective. This book will be high on my recommended reading list for the men I meet with and seek to mentor God-ward."

Mark L. Bailey, president, Dallas Theological Seminary

"Suffering hits us like nothing else in life. We find ourselves crying out why or thinking we don't deserve it. We may rail at God and what we feel is the unfairness of life or the absence of God's care, but unless we can reframe our trials in light of a good, loving and holy God, our trials will make us bitter. This book is a tonic for the soul and full of solid biblical insight. Few are as qualified, compassionate or practical as Ken in terms of offering good spiritual counsel. I commend this book for your journey."

Stuart McAllister, regional director of the Americas, Ravi Zacharias International Ministries

"Relevant, thought provoking and creatively expressed in ways that lead us into new avenues of thinking about old and important issues. In Rewriting Your Broken Story, Boa reminds us that how we ask and answer life's biggest questions will determine the quality of our day-to-day lives here on earth from a spiritual perspective. Rewriting Your Broken Story helps us break through the paradigms that hold us prisoner and prevent us from seeing life the way it really is."

Pat MacMillan, president, Triaxia Partners

"Søren Kierkegaard was right when he said that we have to define life backwards and then live it forwards. It is the arrival that defines the reason for the departure. It is right thinking about life that gives freedom its map. And as Ken Boa observes in this book, 'an eternal perspective will inform us of something more (and better) than what we can see.' Boa has provided a helpful and hopeful map to guide us through life's journey. I know his words will encourage and challenge you."

Ravi Zacharias, author and speaker

"Some books inform. Others inspire. This one does both, but with a goal that few books reach. Ken's words have the potential to transform and to lift readers into the larger and eternal story of God. Rewriting Your Broken Story helped me to better see my smaller story as an opportunity to tell God's larger story by how I live."

Larry Crabb, founder and president, NewWay Ministries

"Ken Boa is one of my favorite authors, and this book epitomizes why. It's deep, it's practical, it's theological, it's emotionally stirring, and it helped me see life in a way that God longs for me to see it so I can live it in the way he wants me to live it. Highly recommended!"

Chip Ingram, senior pastor, Venture Christian Church, teaching pastor, Living on the Edge

"Offering captivating illustrations from an incredible array of angles has long been one of Ken Boa's great gifts. This book is a fascinating journey through history, pop culture, biography, philosophy and the arts. But why take that journey? Because ultimately, we all must wrestle with the fundamental questions of life: Who are we? Why are we here? What's gone wrong? How can we be made whole? This book is a journey through those questions, and Ken a most helpful guide."

John Stonestreet, president, The Chuck Colson Center for Christian Worldview


1. Your Broken Story
2. Investing in Eternity
3. The Reversible Paradigm
4. Defining Life Backwards
5. Trusting Eternity or Cursing Time
6. Poets, Saints and Heroes
7. Inside Out, Upside Down and Talking to Ourselves
8. Flight Plans, False Goals and a Life Uncommon
9. Out of the Woods and Into the Light
10. What Do You Seek? (Your Heart?s Intention)
11. Becoming a Permanent Marker
12. From Theology to Doxology
About the Author


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Kenneth Boa

Kenneth Boa is the president of Reflections Ministries, Omnibus Media Ministries, and Trinity House Publishers. His many books include Faith Has Its Reasons, Rewriting Your Broken Story, Life in the Presence of God, and Shaped by Suffering. He resides in Atlanta.