Released from Shame: Moving Beyond the Pain of the Past, By Sandra D. Wilson

Released from Shame

Moving Beyond the Pain of the Past

Revised Edition

by Sandra D. Wilson

Released from Shame
  • Length: 200 pages
  • Dimensions: 5.5 × 8.25 in
  • Published: January 22, 2002
  • Imprint: IVP
  • Item Code: 2334
  • ISBN: 9780830823345

*affiliate partner

Do you feel

  • that your problem is not what you do but who you are?
  • caught in patterns of destructive relationships?
  • that you never get enough affirmation?
  • afraid you'll pass bad patterns along to your children?
  • that God probably loves you less than others?

If these questions fit you, you may be experiencing shame. Often shame comes from being raised in a family that has an impaired ability to provide its members with healthy nurturing. As a result, you carry emotional scars into adult life, longing for happiness but feeling unworthy of it.

Sandra Wilson knows much about "shame-based" families--both from personal experience and from her years as a family therapist. Drawing from this background, she teaches you biblical principles that have helped her and many others work through painful issues and learn new, healthier ways to live. In this revised edition, Wilson also includes help for parents who want to break the intergenerational cycle of shame and give their children a "grace-based" foundation for life.

"God's perfect love certainly can cast out fear, but I never truly understood how God does that until learning more about being a shame-based person. Sandra Wilson has written an incredibly needed resource--especially for those of us from shame-based cultures--on how finally to experience exquisite freedom in Christ."

Rev. Ken Fong, senior pastor, Evergreen Baptist Church, Los Angeles

"In the midst of a veritable flood of books on the subject, this one stands out. It is a balanced blend of keen therapeutic insights, effective illustrations from counselees and a warm sharing of the author?s own personal story. I recommend it highly and intend to use it extensively."

Dr. David A. Seamands, author of Healing for Damaged Emotions


1. My story: "Half a Loaf"
2. Understanding Shame Stumbling
3. Shame in Unhealthy Families
4. Rules in Unhealthy Families
5. Abuse Shaming in Unhealthy Families
6. Abuse Shaming by Christian Parents
7. Understanding Consequences Change
8. Released from Shaming Our Flaws
9. Released from Shaming Our Feelings
10. Released from Shame-based Overdependency
11. Released from Shame-based Concepts of God
12. Released to Forgive the Shamers
13. Released to Release Our Children
14. Released to Potential Purpose
Appendix A: Your Identity in Christ
Appendix B: Attributes of God


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Sandra D. Wilson

Sandra D. Wilson is a seminary professor, certified spiritual director and retired family therapist. She is an international speaker and the author of six books: Released from Shame, Into Abba's Arms, Hurt People Hurt People, The World According to Me, Shame-Free Parenting and Counseling Adult Children of Alcoholics.