Pocket History of Evangelical Theology, By Roger E. Olson

Pocket History of Evangelical Theology

The IVP Pocket Reference Series

by Roger E. Olson

Pocket History of Evangelical Theology
  • Length: 151 pages
  • Dimensions: 4.25 × 7 in
  • Published: January 26, 2007
  • Imprint: IVP Academic
  • Item Code: 2706
  • ISBN: 9780830827060

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Roger Olson provides us with a concise, lively and readable history of evangelical theology.

Finding its antecedents in early Pietism of the late seventeenth century, Olson traces its development through the revivalism in Great Britain and America in the eighteenth century from its roots within Puritanism, Wesleyanism and the Great Awakening.

Olson then takes us forward in time as he considers evangelicalism in its connection with the Old Princeton theology, Holiness-Pentecostalism and fundamentalism, tracing its course to our contemporary context.

Great as a reference book, a refresher course or for use in introductory theology classes.

Designed for students and pastors alike, the short and accessible volumes in the IVP Pocket Reference Series will help you tackle the study of biblical languages, church history, apologetics, world religions, Christian spirituality, ethics, theology, and more.

"Roger Olson demonstrates that he is not only a formidable theologian in his own right but also one who has an uncommon command of the work of others."

Randall Balmer, author of Encyclopedia of Evangelicalism

"A helpful essay that tells the story of his many-sided subject."

Gary Dorrien, author of The Remaking of Evangelical Theology

"Concise, lucid and balanced."

David W. Bebbington, author of Evangelicalism in Modern Britain

"As with all the 'Pocket' series from IVP, this terrific distillation allows you to build a shelf-sized library of Christian history and theology at a very affordable price."

"Book Bit," WTBF-AM/FM, Troy, AL, October 2007

"A useful book in the midst of ongoing discussions. What makes this so helpful is the author's use of history as a means of defining."

Viola Larson, Naming His Grace (http://naminghisgrace.blogspot.com/), January 2008

"What an amazing little volume! I only wish I had this when I was a beginning university student."

J. C. Whytock, Haddington House Journal, 2008

"This small text gives a succinct, accurate . . . introduction to the history of Evangelicalism."

Bradford McCall, The Pneuma Review, Summer 2008


Part I. Introduction
1. Toward a Definition of Evangelicalism

Part II. The Roots of Evangelical Theology
2. The Roots of Evangelical Theology in Pietism
3. The Revivalist Roots of Evangelical Theology
4. The Puritan Roots of Evangelical Theology
5. The Wesleyan Roots of Evangelical Theology
6. The Crucible of Modern Evangelical Theology in the Great Awakenings
7. Old Princeton Theology and Evangelical Theology
8. Holiness Pentecostalism and Evangelical Theology
9. Fundamentalism and Evangelical Theology

Part III. Postfundamentalist Evangelical Theology
10. Introducing Postfundamentalist Evangelical Theology
11. Carl F. H. Henry: Dean of Evangelical Theologians
12. E. J. Carnell: Apologist for Evangelical Theology
13. Bernard Ramm: Moderate Evangelical Theologian
14. Donald Bloesch: Progressive Evangelical Theologian
15. Postconservative Evangelical Theology

Part IV. Conclusion
16. Tensions in Evangelical Theology


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Roger E. Olson

Roger E. Olson (PhD, Rice University) is professor of theology at George W. Truett Theological Seminary of Baylor University in Waco, Texas. He is the author of The Story of Christian Theology: Twenty Centuries of Tradition Reform, The Mosaic of Christian Belief: Twenty Centuries of Unity Diversity and Arminian Theology: Myths and Realities (all InterVarsity Press).