Operation World Resources

Operation World Resources showcases all formats available for the 7th edition of the definitive global prayer handbook Operation World, including the book, ebook, CD, DVD-ROM, and prayer map.

This collection also includes related resources such as Pray for the World (an abridged version), Window on the World (a global prayer guide for children), and The Future of the Global Church (Patrick Johnstone’s examination of global trends and future possibilities).

Whether you are an intercessor praying behind the scenes for world change, a missionary reaping the benefits of intercession, or simply curious about the world, Operation World Resources will give you the information necessary to be a vital part in fulfilling God's passion for the nations.

"For years I have used Operation World to pray for people in every tongue, tribe and nation. Operation World is a time-honored and well-tested global manual of prayer that will provide you with everything you need to bring the nations of the world before the throne of God. It will expand your heart, vision and passion for the peoples of the world and God's deep desire to reach those in the darkest corners with his help and hope."

Joni Eareckson Tada, author of A Place of Healing

"Outside of the Bible, no book has had a greater practical impact on my personal prayer life than Operation World. God has used this book to open my eyes and the eyes of the church I pastor to the needs of the world and the greatness of the God who desires to make his glory known in the world. I eagerly welcome this new edition and wholeheartedly recommend it.”

David Platt, author of Radical

"In the world of missions, I know of nothing more significant than Operation World, when it comes to learning about the need, opportunity and prayer points for world evangelism."

K. P. Yohannan, Gospel for Asia

"A veritable source of mission information about the status of the remaining task and a tool that brings together in one volume detailed update that inspires passion for the unreached and stirs up hearts to intercede."

Reuben Ezemadu, Movement for African National Initiatives

"An invaluable source of background information on every country we work in . . . . It has provided an objective platform of information that combines well with our own experiential perceptions in the task of strategic planning."

Christopher J. H. Wright, author of The Mission of God

"This is probably one of the most important missionary tools in the entire history of missions."

George Verwer, Operation Mobilization

"The scope and thoroughness of the research done by Jason Mandryk and his colleagues is truly commendable."

Joseph D'souza, Dalit Freedom Network

"A tremendously useful resource that I use personally, with my family and in my ministry."

Geoff Tunnicliffe, World Evangelical Alliance
Jason Mandryk
Patrick Johnstone
Edited by Molly Wall and Jason Mandryk