We live in a world of options, where we might do this or that if we feel like it. But for followers of Jesus, certain things are not optional, but necessary.
Bishop Claude Alexander unpacks the Gospels' statements of what Jesus said he must do. He must be about his Father's business. He must go through Samaria. He must go to Jerusalem.
Life in God is less about what you could do, and more about what you must do. Contrary to the life of the optional, accidental, and haphazard, the believer is called to live with a sense of divine necessity. No maybes about it.
"Bishop Claude Alexander gives us a brilliant exposition on the life of Jesus in Necessary Christianity. By helping serious people of faith discover the 'musts' of our followership of Jesus, we realize his musts on our lives are indeed the 'pearl of great price' to live consequentially. Every major decision needs to be evaluated through the lens of Jesus' musts on each of us."
"If you're having trouble focusing on what really matters, this is the book for you. Bishop Claude Alexander helps us to find the maturity and direction necessary to follow the Jesus who calls us to his cross and to his kingdom."
Introduction: A Life of the Necessary
1. I Must Focus
2. I Must Progress
3. I Must Be Directed
4. I Must Be Clear
5. I Must Be Diligent
6. I Must Yield
Questions for Reflection or Discussion