Making All Things New: God's Dream for Global Justice, By R. York Moore

Making All Things New

God's Dream for Global Justice

by R. York Moore

Making All Things New
  • Length: 170 pages
  • Published: October 12, 2012
  • Imprint: IVP
  • Item Code: 3779
  • ISBN: 9780830837793

*affiliate partner

Often this world seems like a nightmare. Human trafficking, young girls trapped in brothels, child soldiers forced to become killers, unchecked plagues and diseases, economic injustice and the oppression of the poor. Millions around the world are trapped in this nightmare, and we may feel helpless to do anything about it.

But God has a dream. York Moore paints a vivid picture of how the dream of God is breaking into history to make all things new. Through the death and resurrection of Jesus, God is bringing an end to the world's nightmare of sin and death. Scripture's vision of Jesus' end-time work shows how the wrongs will be made right, and God's just judgment is good news for the world.

Unpacking how the Bible describes the last things, Moore shows how we can partner with God as he brings his dream to reality. Every time a well is dug for a community, food is provided for the hungry or sex traffickers are brought to justice, the dream begins to take hold.

This is no mere wishful thinking. The dream of God is more real than your dreams could ever imagine. It is what we were created for. So wake up from the nightmare and join in what God is doing in the world. And flourish as your own dreams are transformed by God's dream for all creation.

"A powerful awakening to God's holiness, justice and strength. Moore offers a biblical eschatology strong enough to unite and empower the church to oppose evil and to advance the kingdom on earth as in heaven. This may scare hell out of us, and heaven into us for the world God loves. A great achievement."

Kelly Monroe Kullberg, author, Finding God Beyond Harvard: The Quest for Veritas

"York Moore has been a tireless advocate for God's children, acting as Jesus' hands and feet in the broken places of our world."

Richard Stearns, president, World Vision U.S., and author, The Hole in Our Gospel

"R. York Moore lays out a compelling vision of what it can mean to seek God's will to 'be done on earth as it is in heaven.' God's heart for the poor, the marginalized and the oppressed cannot be denied. His cry for justice rings out loud and clear throughout the Scriptures. In York's words, 'The dream of God includes us--our efforts, our passions and our risks--to establish his dream where it is not.' I'm excited to see authors like York boldly be a voice for the little ones Jesus cares so deeply about!"

Dr. Wess Stafford, president and CEO, Compassion International

"In Making All Things New: God's Dream for Global Justice, York Moore uses vivid imagery, engaging stories and biblical truth that challenge us to embrace the grandiosity of God's dream to end suffering and create a world where everyone and everything flourishes. This book will inspire, challenge and give you hope to be a socially, culturally and globally relevant Christian. I highly recommend it for anyone who wants to dream again!"

Rev. Dr. Brenda Salter McNeil, president, Salter McNeil Associates, LLC, and associate professor of reconciliation studies, Seattle Pacific University

"The God of the Bible reveals himself both as the God of justification and of justice. In this book, York Moore beautifully describes how God sovereignly and graciously demonstrates his concern for the eternal and the temporal. Sometimes evangelicals have been guilty of emphasising one without the other, but in this book the two are beautifully brought together in a fitting articulation of Christ's lordship over the here and now and the eternal."

Lindsay Brown, international director, Lausanne Movement for World Evangelization

"When Jesus' disciples asked him to teach them to pray, he said to pray, 'May your Kingdom come soon. May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven' (Mt 6:10 NLT). York Moore does us a favor by bringing us back to the important fact that Jesus came to make everything new. He came to inaugurate God's kingdom--here on earth. This prayer was not just about our arrival in heaven. York challenges us to see that Jesus called us to change both worlds: we change both heaven and earth through our partnering work with God in his mission."

Bob Creson, president/CEO, Wycliffe Bible Translators USA

"Full of vision and urgency and grounded in today's challenging realities, Making All Things New dreams of something bigger for all of us! Moore brilliantly unveils God's global mission throughout Scripture and then compels us to join in."

Tom Lin, vice president, director of missions Urbana, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA

"York Moore has written a book that will cause you to think differently about the end times. Making All Things New eliminates all the sensational speculation about eschatological events and focuses on the central meaning of biblical end times teachings--the mission of God."

Alec Hill, president, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA

"In York Moore's book Making All Things New: God's Dream for Global Justice, followers of Jesus are challenged to live out the biblical mandate of walking humbly, loving mercy and doing justly. God's greatest desire is for his people to partner with him in ministry--sharing his good news, restoring creation and cultivating shalom. It is imperative that we answer his call. In this foundational work, York Moore explores what that can and should look like in the life of someone who loves God. We are reminded that although it is Christ who will ultimately set things right, we are invited and challenged to begin the renewing work today."

Kevin Palau, president, Luis Palau Association

"York Moore is a storyteller and a dreamer. Here he engages with both God's story and God's dream to restore all of creation. But it's not a story about the sweet by-and-by, but rather about what it means for us to begin to live God's dreams today through our involvement with the work of justice around the world. The writing is winsome, the theology is thoroughly biblical, and the invitation is breathtaking. I love this book."

Dr. Stephen A. Hayner, president, Columbia Theological Seminary

"This is the voice of a preacher with a passion, born from his roots in the grit of urban Detroit, and an imagination saturated by the visions of John the Seer on Patmos. York Moore belongs to a long line of evangelists who announce the good news of Jesus as deeply as the individual soul, and as widely as God's purpose for the healing of all creation."

Leighton Ford, president, Leighton Ford Ministries, Charlotte, N.C.

"R. York Moore convincingly lays out the story of God in a way that takes a fresh look at God waging war on the earth. . . . Through Moore's timely words, eschatology takes on a more compelling meaning for mission."

Lynn D. Shmidt, Evangelical Missions Quarterly, October 2013

". . . a strong, new voice powered by scripture calling insistently for systematic change that will bring justice to the exploited."

Publishers Weekly, November 12, 2012


1. Dreams of Another World
2. Between Two Dreams
3. Power in the Blood
4. The End-Time Work of Christ
5. A War-Waging Jesus
6. A Global Invitation of Joy
7. The Wedding of All Time
8. A Distant Thunder
9. The End of Our Dream
10. Fire in the Sky
11. God?s Great City
12. The Dream of God and Mission
13. A Dream Beyond Justice
14. Joining God in Making All Things New
About the Author


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R. York Moore

R. York Moore is the national evangelist for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA. As a modern-day abolitionist, he has conducted "justice invitationals" throughout the United States in conjunction with many of the world's most effective anti-slavery non-governmental organizations. He has led thousands to faith in Christ through his unique blend of evangelism/justice preaching. He is the author of Growing Your Faith by Giving It Away.