Know the Truth: A Handbook of Christian Belief, By Bruce Milne

Know the Truth

A Handbook of Christian Belief

Third Edition

by Bruce Milne

Know the Truth
  • Length: 384 pages
  • Dimensions: 6 × 9 in
  • Published: December 21, 2009
  • Imprint: IVP Academic
  • Item Code: 2576
  • ISBN: 9780830825769

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'You will know the truth,' said Jesus, 'and the truth will set you free.'

Christians have already begun to know God and his truth. This handbook assists in that liberating knowledge, as it opens up the great themes of God's Word and shows how they fit together.

Each chapter deals with one aspect of biblical truth and encourages further study with Scripture references to look up, questions for discussion, and books for additional reading. The main sections conclude with practical reflection on how the Bible's teaching challenges us and moves us to adore the living God.

This new edition of Bruce Milne's widely appreciated Know the Truth has been extensively revised and updated to ensure its ongoing relevance and value as an excellent introduction to Christian doctrine.

"It is a privilege to commend so sensible, clear and fruitful an overview of basic Christian belief . . . and Bruce Milne's fresh comments (in this third edition) make what was already a very useful book more useful still."

J. I. Packer


Foreword by J. I. Packer
General Bibliography

Part 1. The Final Authority in Matters of Faith
1. Authority
2. Revelation
3. Scripture

Part 2. The Doctrine of God
4. The Being of God
5. God The Holy Trinity
6. The Attributes Or Perfections of God
7. The Work of Creation
8. The Work of Providence

Part 3. Humankind and Sin
9. Essential Human Nature
10. Humanity in Sin
11. Humanity in Grace
12. Humanity in Glory

Part 4. The Person and Work of Christ
13. The Humanity of Jesus Christ
14. The Deity of Jesus Christ
15. The One Person
16. The Work of Christ: Biblical Teaching
17. The Work of Christ: Historical Perspectives

Part 5. The Person and Work of The Holy Spirit
18. The Person of The Spirit
19. The Spirit of Promise
20. The Spirit and Christian Beginnings
21. The Spirit and Christian Growth
22. Historical Perspective: The Holy Spirit Today

Part 6. The Church
23. The Identity of The Church
24. The Function of The Church
25. The Life of The Church
26. The Church in History

Part 7. The Last Things
27. The Kingdom of God
28. The Second Advent of Christ
29. The Final State
30. The Last Things in Christian Thought



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Bruce Milne was pastor of First Baptist Church in Vancouver, Canada, for many years. He is the author of Know the Truth and The Bible Speaks Today volume The Message of John.