Modern Israel and its relations with its Arab neighbors has been conspicuously in the daily news ever since World War II. Until that time, the concept of Israel and a continuing Jewish people had been hovering in the distant background of Christian thought and doctrine since the post-apostolic era. In this important work, Dr. Diprose demonstrates the uniqueness of Israel and its special place in the divine plan.
By carefully reviewing relevant New Testament and post-apostolic writings, the author traces the origin and development of Replacement Theology—the concept that the Church has completely and permanently replaced ethnic Israel in the outworking of God's plan throughout history—challenging its origin and role in the development of Christian thought on the future of ethnic Israel.
"Without a clear understanding of the place of Israel in the grand scheme of redemptive history, it is impossible to understand rightly what the Bible says about the future--including the return of Christ, the triumph of his kingdom on earth and the culmination of God's plan for the ages. Romans 11 is emphatic (and many other passages of Scripture affirm) that God is not finished with national Israel. Promises originally made to Abraham are yet to be fulfilled. Ron Diprose masterfully draws together the major threads of biblical prophecy that are tied to Israel and shows why this theme, woven through all of Scripture, is essential to a right understanding of where history is headed."