Grow Your Christian Life

Grow Your Christian Life

by InterVarsity Staff

Grow Your Christian Life
  • Length: 189 pages
  • Dimensions: 5.5 × 8.5 in
  • Number of Studies: 84
  • Published: September 01, 1962
  • Imprint: IVP Bible Studies
  • Item Code: 0661
  • ISBN: 9780877846611

*affiliate partner

Let's face it. Being a Christian isn't easy. The world sure isn't out to help you. Sometimes neither are friends or family. Money, job, studies, bills, career, fun and the future all compete for your time and energy. If God is going to have a say in all this, you're going to need all the help you can get.

That's where this book comes in. It provides you with a 30-minute daily workout with God. Along the way you'll get practical help with issues you are concerned about, like --

  • work
  • persistent sin
  • your emotions
  • sex
  • forgiving others
  • why God seems far away at times

And as you keep at it, you'll be getting in better and better shape as a Christian. And even though you might discover how true "no pain, no gain" is, you'll find out how worthwhile the "gain" really is too.


Section One: Life With God
1. New Life in Christ
2. Personal Bible Study
3. Life Together
4. Personal Evangelism

Section Two: Living Out the Christian Life
5. Wholesome Participation
6. Sin and Christian Growth
7. Faith, Doubt, and Assurance
8. Knowing God's Will
9. The Christian Fellowship
10. Christian Marriage
11. Possessions
12. Authority


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