God's Whisper in a Mother's Chaos: Bringing Peace Home, By Keri Wyatt Kent

God's Whisper in a Mother's Chaos

Bringing Peace Home

by Keri Wyatt Kent

God's Whisper in a Mother's Chaos
  • Length: 115 pages
  • Published: July 05, 2000
  • Imprint: IVP
  • Item Code: 2270
  • ISBN: 9780830822706

*affiliate partner

Mothering small children is exhausting and mind-numbing work. Just finding time to get dressed each day can be a challenge. So how can you possibly find time for God?

Your need for God may be greatest at this time of life more than any other. You need God's wisdom, his guidance, and--most of all--his peace. You need to find ways to hear his still, small voice amid the whirlwind of diapers and feedings, first steps and first words, sore throats and skinned knees, playmates, broken toys, birthdays, big questions, and nightmares. In this book Keri Kent offers you encouragement and ideas from one who has been--and still is--in the middle of mothering twenty-four hours each day.

Here you'll find a welcome companion on your daily quest to seek God and bring his peace into your heart and home.

"Rare is the book I would call 'life-changing,' but God's Whisper in a Mother's Chaos qualifies for me. I remember the exact moment when I was reading the chapter on guilt and realized that all those little, seemingly insignificant things that I do for my family--things that no one notices or even knows about--matter to God. And rather than condemning me because I can't find thirty minutes every day for a quiet time, God is teaching me how to grow closer to him, i.e., how to be more like Jesus, in the midst of the chaos that is my life. I've a long way to go, but I have begun to look for Jesus in my daily life rather than see my responsibilities as a hindrance to my spiritual growth."

Theresa Grosh, MOPS Coordinator, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

"Most authors write of their early mothering years long after their kids have traded diapers for designer jeans and a bottle of milk for a diet Coke. But Kent wrote this book with preschoolers playing--or sleeping or fighting or laughing or whining--in the background. The result is a realistic book."

Lynne Hybels, from the Foreword

"At-home mom Keri Wyatt Kent shows how the responsibilities of parenting are connected to prayer, listening, service, simplicity, and solitude. She assures readers that even amid the guilt, pressures, and diapers, any mother can grow in her relationship with God."

Today's Christian Woman (November/December 2000)

"Kent, a mother of two preschoolers, speaks with authority on motherhood's daily distractions. An excellent choice for women's study groups."

CBA Marketplace, August 2000


Foreword by Lynne Hybels
1. Embracing the Chaos
2. Knowing the One Who Whispers
3. Learning to Trust
4. Developing a Listening Heart
5. Letting God of Guilt
6. Keeping It Simple
7. Experiencing God's Presence in Parenting
8. Discovering Simple Beauty
9. Connecting Through Solitude
10. Hearing God's Calling

For Further Reading


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Keri Wyatt Kent

Keri Wyatt Kent is a freelance writer and speaker, as well as the author of God's Whisper in a Mother's Chaos, The Garden of the Soul and Breathe.