Get the Word Out: How God Shapes and Sends His Witnesses, By John Teter

Get the Word Out

How God Shapes and Sends His Witnesses

by John Teter
Foreword by J. Robert Clinton

Get the Word Out
  • Length: 168 pages
  • Dimensions: 5.5 × 8.25 in
  • Published: September 25, 2003
  • Imprint: IVP
  • Item Code: 2365
  • ISBN: 9780830823659

*affiliate partner

Do you love to talk to others about Jesus?

Do you want to share your faith but wonder if the right words will come?

Do you think of evangelism as a spiritual gift for extroverts--not you?

Whether you love evangelism or fear it, this book is for you. John Teter offers stories from his experiences leading seeker Bible studies and witnessing to people around him that will motivate and astound. He reveals the transforming power of the Word of God on the lives of unbelievers.

This book powerfully shows how your witness is backed up by God, who follows through on the work he prompts you to begin. Even now God is preparing the way for you to get his Word out to those around you. Will you accept the challenge?

"John Teter and I share three passions: Jesus of Nazareth, the Gospel According to John and the Los Angeles Dodgers. Although these three passions are not of equal importance, the dynamics of enjoying and then bearing witness to each of them are surprisingly similar. The key is being alive in that to which we are bearing witness. The best advocate of the Dodgers is the person caught up in all things Dodgers. The best advocate of the Gospel According to John is that person immersed in all things John. And the best advocate of Jesus is the person captured and captivated by all things Jesus--which is what this book does for us. Through a fresh, invigorating reading of the gospel, and through moving stories about real people seeking and finding, we are brought into a fresh, invigorating love of Jesus, which then 'launches' us into his love for people. You did it John! You convey on paper the contagious life I experience with you in person."

Darrell W. Johnson, Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology, Regent College, Vancouver, British Columbia

"With compelling and sometimes hilarious honesty, John reveals the true hero in witness--Jesus Christ. His immersion into and subsequent truth-challenges from the Gospel of John provide a fresh invitation to embrace transformation and partner in kingdom work."

Shelley Trebesch, Ph.D.

"Get the Word Out pulsates with a passion to share the joy of knowing Jesus. With enthusiasm, keen insights, practicality, relevance and clarity, John Teter sings the music of one who has fallen in love with Jesus."

Dave Gibbons, Lead Pastor of NewSong Church, and Board Member of World Vision United States

"John's infectious love for Jesus, his skilled treatment of Scripture and his burning passion to see people empowered to reach the lost make this book a must-read for anyone who has ever wanted to lead friends and loved ones to Christ but doubted they had the right stuff. John convincingly proves that believers not only have the right stuff, but the right stuff will become sweeter as we share our faith with those who need it the most."

Rev. Alexander Gee Jr., Pastor, Community Leader, Lecturer, Author

"Lives are transformed by the Word and our daily commitment to be witnesses. John helps us engage our commitment to be witnesses of the good news in Jesus. Our witness is based on being shaped by the Word and led by the Spirit as we follow Jesus into our world. This book is a must-read for engaging our diverse postmodern world."

Geri Rodman, President, Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship of Canada

"As someone who has known and served with John for several years, I can honestly say that Teter lives what he writes. I clearly felt God prodding me to 'get the Word out' more than I typically do, but this came more as a result of John's unique blend of exposition, humor and candor than as a result of being made to feel guilty. This book is both accessible and profound--just like the gospel is!"

Ken Fong, Senior Pastor, Evergreen Baptist Church of Los Angeles, and author of Secure in God's Embrace

"John Teter has written an engaging, inspiring and biblical book that repeatedly caused me to interrupt my reading with a simple prayer: 'God use me to get your Word out.' I'm excited about using this book with young leaders to help them live out the 'why' of Christian leadership--the Great Commission."

Steve Moore, Leadership Coach and Consultant, Top Flight Leadership

"This book does not coach a person with 'evangelism aerobics.' Instead, it will open your eyes to a world of wonder, a real world, in which there are as many witnesses as there are Christians and there are as many approaches to the lost as there are believers. The game is on and everyone can play!"

Enrique Santis, General Manager, Vineyard Music Latin, Anaheim, California

"Read this book. Be inspired to start your own Word-based evangelism. See lives transformed. And like John Teter, pass on to others what you learn."

Dr. J. Robert Clinton, Professor of Leadership, School of World Mission, Fuller Theological Seminary (from the Foreword)


Foreword by J. Robert Clinton
1. Jesus, Lover of My Soul
2. Who Will Give You Props?
3. Witness to Worship
4. Seekers or Snackers?
5. Sent by God
6. Filled with the Spirit
7. Followed by Jesus
Growth Project 1: Blisters or Calluses? How Witnesses Grow
Growth Project 2: Becoming a GIG Leader
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John Teter

John Teter is senior pastor of Fountain of Life Covenant Church in Long Beach, California. He also serves as executive director of Fountain of Life Antioch, the FOL's church planting wing. John has also served as the Evangelical Covenant Church's church planting team leader and evangelism team leader. He formerly served with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship at USC, Cal State Dominguez Hills, and Compton College. John is a Bible expositor, evangelistic preacher, and author of two books, Get the Word Out and Jesus and the Hip-Hop Prophets (coauthored with Alex Gee). He and his wife, Becky, live in Long Beach with their three children.