From Head-Hunters to Church Planters: An Amazing Spiritual Awakening in Nagaland, By Paul Hattaway

From Head-Hunters to Church Planters

An Amazing Spiritual Awakening in Nagaland

by Paul Hattaway

From Head-Hunters to Church Planters
  • Length: 130 pages
  • Published: April 03, 2006
  • Imprint: IVP
  • Item Code: 5656
  • ISBN: 9780830856565

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There is a tendency today to associate revival and miracles with charismatic churches, but there were none of those in Nagaland when God first brought revival there. These powerful and life-changing visitations came to orderly, conservative Baptist congregations. As a result, Nagas found their true dignity not in themselves, their ethnic roots, their head-hunting, or the defense of their homeland, but they discovered it in the person and life of Jesus Christ, the living and one true God. This is a moving story of bravery and betrayal, suffering, persecution, supernatural intervention, and subsequent human weakness.