Emerging Hope: A Strategy for Reaching Postmodern Generations, By Jimmy Long

Emerging Hope

A Strategy for Reaching Postmodern Generations

Revised Edition

by Jimmy Long

Emerging Hope
  • Length: 251 pages
  • Published: August 18, 2004
  • Imprint: IVP Bible Studies
  • Item Code: 3217
  • ISBN: 9780830832170

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Is there hope in this era of cynicism?

Jimmy Long, a campus minister for more than twenty-five years, is convinced that we are in the middle of a societal hurricane. As our culture moves further into postmodernity, now is a time of enormous and rapid change. How do we "do church" in such an era? How do we reach the lost? How do we communicate hope?

In Emerging Hope Long traces the connections between postmodernism and the emerging generations--Generation X and the millennial generation--highlighting implications for evangelism and discipleship. What emerges is a compelling strategy for ministry that will appeal to a generation starved for a sense of belonging.

(This book is a revised and expanded edition of Generating Hope.)

"When I began struggling with the issues wrapped up in the term 'emerging postmodern culture,' I felt completely alone. If only I had known Jimmy Long! He would have been a wise, rooted, strategic and hopeful guide and friend. Now, anyone engaging with the challenges of ministry in our changing culture can benefit from Jimmy's insights through Emerging Hope. It's clear, understandable, thoughtful and practical, and it will be a significant resource for any church or ministry committed to mission in today's world."

Brian McLaren, pastor and author of A New Kind of Christian

"With judicious biblical insight, Jimmy Long addresses the spiritual homelessness of our postmodern era and offers wise counsel for reconstructing hope in hopeless times."

Richard Lints, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

"A new generation is coming full speed. Jimmy Long has insightfully described its thoughts, aspirations and struggles. And best of all, he's pointed out what it's going to take for the Christian community to embrace these remarkable young people."

Gordon MacDonald, author of Renewing Your Spiritual Passion

"The success of the church in reaching Generation X requires that we be guided by practitioners who are both theologically informed and culturally attuned. Jimmy Long is among the best."

Stanley Grenz, Carey/Regent College, author of A Primer on Postmoderism

"With Generating Hope Jimmy Long has made postmodernism and its implications understandable. This is a must-read book for anyone who has a passion to reach the next generation."

Dieter Zander, founding pastor, New Song Church, and associate director of ReIMAGINE!


Introduction: Ten Years Later

Part One: The Times They Are A-Changing: A Cultural Snapshot
1. A Simple Question, a Complex Journey
2. The Adaptive Generations
3. Emerging Postmodern Culture

Part Two: Longing to Belong: A Theological Foundation
4. Created for Community
5. Freed from Guilt and Shame
6. From Lonely Orphan to God's Adopted Child
7. Hope in the Midst of Suffering

Part Three: An Intimate Journey of Hope: A Framework for Ministry
8. Communities of Belonging
9. Our Spiritual Journey in Community
10. Communities Offering Hope

Names Index
Subject Index
Scripture Index


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Jimmy Long

Jimmy Long (D.Min., Gordon-Conwell) is a regional director for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA. He is the author of several books and resources, including Small Group Leaders' Handbook, Emerging Hope and the Emerging Culture Curriculum Kit.