Deepening the Soul for Justice, By Bethany H. Hoang

Deepening the Soul for Justice

Urbana Onward

by Bethany H. Hoang

Deepening the Soul for Justice
  • Length: 48 pages
  • Dimensions: 5.5 × 8.25 in
  • Published: October 29, 2012
  • Imprint: IVP
  • Item Code: 3463
  • ISBN: 9780830834631

*affiliate partner

The challenges of global injustice can be overwhelming. The pain is real; the violence dark.

Many well-intentioned Christians get burned out. What can you do to stay in the game?

Bethany Hoang, director of International Justice Mission's IJM Institute, has seen firsthand

how spiritual formation can fuel our response to God's call to justice--from the inside out.

Hoang shares spiritual practices honed on the frontlines of the fight for justice--guideposts for

an inward journey that can propel a disciple outward, empowering the difficult work of justice.

Seeking the God of justice can be a catalyst for spiritual growth and deeper personal

discipleship. Discover spiritual disciplines for the justice-seeker and renew and invigorate

your own justice journey.

Includes questions for group discussion.

"I was so compelled by this book! In a time when justice threatens to become merely a movement, rather than a genuine cry of the heart, Bethany reminds us that the exhausting work of bringing freedom to the oppressed begins with devoting ourselves to diligent prayer. This work is impossible and unsustainable without it!"

David Carr, drummer, Third Day

"Several years ago when I first began learning about human trafficking and modern-day slavery, my one repeated question for my friends at International Justice Mission was, 'What can I do?' With beautiful consistency the reply was, 'Become a person of justice, learn about the God of justice.' They knew from firsthand experience that taking hold of what it means to live justly had to be as important a task as anything they were doing in the field. Here, Bethany Hoang has created a beautiful journey for the heart longing to be shaped by the God of justice. Before our action can be 'wise, effective and sustained,' we must be formed by practices that lead us to the very originator of justice."

Sara Groves, award-winning singer/songwriter

"The church needs to become people who seek justice--enduringly, persistently, sacrificially, joyfully. Though the arc of history bends toward justice, it is a long arc, and it calls forth depth and character. For the Christian, justice is a call to spiritual maturity. Bethany Hoang nourishes that very thing in this wonderfully encouraging and thoughtful book. What she points us toward is essential for the long and faithful road."

Mark Labberton

"What a soul seeking justice requires is sustenance from the very God of justice. But this can be hard to accept, and even harder to pursue. That's why I am so glad that Bethany Hoang has offered us a pathway to discipleship, an invitation to grace and a guide to faithful discipline in this indispensable book. I am deeply grateful for her wisdom--I believe you will be, too."

Gary Haugen, president and CEO, International Justice Mission

"Take a deep breath and relax--and then don't do anything else to seek justice until you've read this book. Bethany Hoang has the message of sustaining peace and the practical steps of discipleship you need to fuel your own justice journey, so you can stay in the fight for the long haul."

Christine Caine, founder, The A21 Campaign

"Bethany Hoang is a catalyst for our generation and a voice for the voiceless. In this book she challenges us to set aside our own good intentions for justice in favor of God's best for us and his best for the world. This little book is packed with wisdom, hope and practical steps to prepare you for the hard work of justice."

Brad Lomenick, executive director, Catalyst Conferences

"Bethany Hoang has written an important devotional that connects us deeply and intimately with both God's character and concern for justice. This is a wise and practical reflection to deeply ground us in the great theme of God?s global missionary enterprise on behalf of the voiceless."

Mac Pier, president, The NYC Leadership Center

"Let's be honest. Trends dominate the contemporary church, but some ideas are too important to succumb to the here-today-gone-tomorrow nature of consumer religion. Justice is one of them. Bethany Hoang recognizes the need to anchor justice to a foundation of theology, Scripture, and communion with God if it is to avoid becoming another disposable trend among Christians. This book is a critical beginning for anyone serious about seeking justice for a lifetime."

Skye Jethani, senior editor of Leadership Journal and author of WITH: Reimagining the Way You Relate to God

"The wisdom in this book is the difference between a life that burns ever brighter and deeper with a holy flame, and a life that burns out all too quickly from self-fueled striving. Bethany Hoang has put in a few words what many take a lifetime to discover."

Andy Crouch, author of Culture Making: Recovering Our Creative Calling

"Each and every day we are faced with an issue of injustice in the world around us--both locally and globally. This book has given me a daily guidance on how I can make a difference in fighting injustice through practical steps daily in my life."

Jimmy D. Lee, former executive director, The White House Presidential Initiative for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, and co-principal of CreatePossible

"Bethany has a hopeful and powerful voice in awakening the church to respond to some of the world's greatest injustices. Deepening the Soul for Justice goes straight to the heart of the matter: Christ invites us to address injustices as part of his work in bringing restoration and reconciliation to a broken world. A remarkable book!"

Peter Greer, president and CEO, HOPE International, and author of The Poor Will Be Glad

"The worship that we want to be known for is worship that weds songs with action. Deepening the Soul for Justice offers clear steps for everyone to pursue a lifestyle of justice. This book is great guide for a generation who wants to be known for ending slavery in their lifetime."

Bryson Vogeltanz, Passion Conferences

"Bethany Hoang and her colleagues at International Justice Mission hold prayer as a vital aspect in their work among the poor and their daily fight against injustice. If we are to truly do his will in a hurting world, we must first understand the heart of our heavenly Father and his unwavering love for the poor. The best way to do this is through a life of prayer."

Dr. Wess Stafford, president CEO, Compassion International

"Rather than allowing the devastation from some of the most desperate and exploited parts of the world overwhelm and overcome her, Bethany Hoang has courageously overcome sorrow, pain and injustice through hope--a hope based and nurtured in a deep spirituality. In this compelling work Bethany offers a fresh take on social justice-related work by grounding it in prayer, affirming the centrality of partnership in all our efforts and locating these important vocational expressions in the incubator of community."

Christopher L. Heuertz, senior strategist, Word Made Flesh, author of Unexpected Gifts and Simple Spirituality

"The initial flame of justice passion easily burns out. Only a radically God-centered, other-centered commitment yields action that genuinely serves victims of abuse. Justice work requires relentless perseverance and long-term investment. Hoang's guide offers practical, actionable steps disciples need to take in order to last in the Micah 6:8 life."

Dr. Amy L. Sherman, author, Kingdom Calling: Vocational Stewardship for the Common Good


Transforming Justice
Questions for Individual or Group Study
About IJM
About Urbana


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Bethany H. Hoang

Bethany Hoang (M.Div.), director of the IJM Institute, convenes leaders to catalyze engagement around issues of injustice in the global Christian community. Since joining IJM in 2004, she has traveled globally, speaking to and teaching thousands on behalf of IJM at churches, conferences and universities. She equips leaders with tools and resources for bringing others into a deeper level of understanding, passion and commitment to seeking justice in our world.