These daily online studies are adapted from our Quiet Time Bible Guide. The studies go through the Old and New Testaments in just over two years. The approach taken by our quiet time Bible studies does not include answers. The goal of the study is to help you dig into Scripture for yourself. You can go deeper using a commentary, Bible background guide or Bible handbook.

Proverbs 30: Wealth & Poverty

For more context before you begin studying, read this introduction to the book of Proverbs.

When others are obviously rich or poor, we infer many things about their talents, education, personality, tastes and personal influence. But, from the perspective of the proverbs, wealth and poverty are poor standards to use in judging others. Furthermore, Proverbs tells us it is foolish to suppose that wealth is an unmixed blessing and that poverty is always a curse. In a world that views wealth and poverty from faulty and imperfect perspectives, we need the precise, pithy standards in the proverbs to guide our steps away from snares that lie on every side.

Warming Up to God

Whether we think we're rich or poor often depends on our point of view. In what circumstances would you "feel" wealthy or poor? (Remember, we're thinking of material wealth and poverty.)

Read Proverbs 30

Discovering the Word

  • According to verses 8-9, what do you see to be some of the disadvantages of wealth?
  • What are the disadvantages of poverty?
  • It is simple to know if we're extravagantly rich or pitifully poor. But between these extremes the boundaries between poverty and wealth are hard to see. How does the prayer in verses 8-9 help us know when we are becoming perilously rich or poor?
  • How is extreme wealth or poverty like those things that are never satisfied (vv. 15-16)?
  • How do verses 24-28 further illustrate the need for balance in life?

Applying the Word

  • Cite an example from your experience (or the experience of someone you know about) where an increase in wealth proved disadvantageous.
  • Can you think of a situation where your poverty (actual or perceived) proved to be an advantage to you? Explain.
  • To what extent have you embraced the attitude "Give me only my daily bread"? Explain.

Responding in Prayer

Pray for those you know who might be in danger because of having too much or not enough. Pray for yourself as well.

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