Closing the Window: Steps to Living Porn Free, By Tim Chester

Closing the Window

Steps to Living Porn Free

by Tim Chester

Closing the Window
  • Length: 151 pages
  • Published: October 04, 2010
  • Imprint: IVP
  • Item Code: 3842
  • ISBN: 9780830838424

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Pornography is everywhere. Far too many Christians regularly use and are addicted to it, warping their perception of sexuality and relationships, destroying marriages and ministries. But Christians who struggle with porn also long for change. When we realize the unfulfilling emptiness of porn, we come to yearn for freedom from it. But what do we do?

Tim Chester says that we can be captured by a better vision--a liberating confidence that God offers more than pornography does. Moving beyond pat answers or mere willpower, Chester offers spiritual, practical and corporate resources for living porn free. He exposes the false promises of porn and redirects us to the true promises of God.

With assurance of God's grace and cleansing power, we can change our desires and escape the traps and temptations of pornography. However great the challenge, God's grace is even greater. And we can come to a place where we no longer feel the need to use porn.

Close the window on porn. And open the door to freedom, integrity and new life.

"Tim Chester's Closing the Window provides insightful reflection on the problems that many Christians who are struggling with pornography will find easy to relate to. Full of practical and spiritual insights, it stays true to the message of grace and hope that is found in the gospel of Christ."

William M. Struthers, associate professor of psychology, Wheaton College, and author of Wired for Intimacy: How Pornography Hijacks the Male Brain

"Finally, a book which rightly puts the struggle with purity, pornography and sexuality into the larger biblical framework of what it means to know God in the midst of our brokenness! This is a wonderful resource to add to the arsenal of anyone serious about finding freedom from the power of pornography. In addition to that, Tim has written a book that can be effectively used by pastors and leaders. It is an excellent pastoral tool to help those dealing with and impacted by the false promises and lies of our porn-is-the-norm culture."

John Freeman, president, Harvest USA (

"One of the greatest challenges facing Christians today is the call to sexual purity and integrity. Tim Chester's book will prove indispensable for those committed to that challenge. By exposing the lies that fuel pornography addiction and offering practical tips for staying free, he arms us with the tools we need to win the battle against porn."

Andy Comiskey, founder and director, Desert Stream Ministries, and author of Strength in Weakness and Naked Surrender

"Tim Chester offers hope, and the possibility of living free from the snare of pornography. . . . Without sounding superspiritual or piling on the guilt, this book emphasizes the fact that we cannot change without God's help. . . . Chester's diligent research and nonjudgmental approach will, I promise, help many Christians who are struggling with porn."

Lyndon Bowring, executive chairman, CARE

"Christians think sex is great, but its misuse is bad! Pornography draws Christian men into a dark world where shame and guilt replace joy and freedom. This book superbly diagnoses the problem and points to God's healing. Tim Chester's writing will rescue many a marriage and restore many a man to a place where purity and passion coexist in biblical relationship."

Stephen and Janet Gaukroger, Clarion Trust International

"Tim Chester believes that churches need to talk about porn, and has written a helpful book that explains why. I believe it will be a lifeline for those who feel trapped and say, 'I can't change.' It contains a message of grace, strength and hope."

Ian Coffey, director of leadership training, Moorlands College

"Tim Chester has hit the nail on the head! Pornography is a cancer eating the heart of the church, and this excellent book tackles it head-on. As you would expect, it is thoroughly rooted in the Bible, very well researched and highly accessible. Crucially, Tim also offers fantastic practical and realistic help and advice that us men would do well to take advantage of. I highly commend this timely book."

Carl Beech, general director, Christian Vision for Men,

"It is great that a Christian leader has taken the risk to write a book on a topic that at this point remains controversial. What is the church to do? Which programs are churches to promote and support? What obligation do pastors and leaders have to help those struggling with pornography and other addictions? If it is true that a third of people in churches are struggling with porn, according to Chester, then this book and 20 more should be written until our churches hear the alarm and address this issue."

Kent Miller, YouthWorker Journal, March-April 2011


Introduction: Let's Talk About Porn
1 Looking Beyond the Frame
2 Freed by the Beauty of God
3 Freed by the Grace of God
4 The Fight of Faith
5 Freed for the Glory of God
Conclusion: Putting It All Together


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Tim Chester

Tim Chester is a pastor of Grace Church in Boroughbridge, North Yorkshire, England, and a faculty member with the Acts 29 Oak Hill Academy. He is the author of over thirty books, including Bible Matters, Mission Matters, and Closing the Window.