Child of Divorce, Child of God: A Journey of Hope and Healing, By Kristine Steakley

Child of Divorce, Child of God

A Journey of Hope and Healing

by Kristine Steakley

Child of Divorce, Child of God
  • Length: 181 pages
  • Published: July 30, 2008
  • Imprint: IVP
  • Item Code: 3471
  • ISBN: 9780830834716

*affiliate partner

Children of divorce carry wounds into adulthood. Divorce affects our relationships to other people, our fears and longings, our faith, and our spirituality. We may have difficulties with anger, guilt, commitment or forgiveness. But our identity need not be marked only by our parents' divorce. God can enter into our woundedness and bring transformation and hope.

Kristine Steakley chronicles the emotional and spiritual challenges facing adult children of divorce. She tells her own story of abandonment and estrangement with all the attendant questions of trust, self-worth and identity. But she has found that God can repair and reparent us in ways that heal and restore our relationships with ourselves, our parents and God.

"Are your parents divorced? This book is for you. Kristine Steakley writes from experience--her own and others'. She weaves a mosaic of hope out of the threads of Scripture, research, literature, movies and real-life stories."

Leith Anderson, president, National Association of Evangelicals, and pastor, Wooddale Church, Eden Prairie, Minnesota

"In a culture where a majority of families have been torn by divorce, Kristine has filled these pages with healing and hope straight from God's Word. No matter what age you are, if you have experienced the raw pain of your parents' divorce, these words can bring revelation and cut through the myriad emotions and thoughts you experience. Parents, please read to understand how absolutely vital it is for you to help your children through one of the most difficult seasons of their life."

Ron Luce, president and founder, Teen Mania Ministries

"Child of Divorce, Child of God is a must-read for every young-adult child of divorce as well as adults whose parents divorced years ago. Kristine expertly weaves the Word of God throughout the entire book. Her personal stories and insights will captivate every reader and bring them to a deep understanding of God's call for them. Her words bring hope and comfort and let the reader know that they are not alone in their quest to find healing for the wounds of today and from the scars of yesterday."

Linda Ranson Jacobs, executive director, DivorceCare for Kids

"A tender exploration of the hardships and comforts a growing child of divorce finds in a life of faith. Steakley's story will be familiar to anyone who, despite the broken family dreams of the past, has sought to find wholeness in the Christian faith."

Elizabeth Marquardt, author of Between Two Worlds: The Inner Lives of Children of Divorce

"Kristine Steakley sensitively addresses the wounds that many children of divorce bear so bravely. By pointing them to the One who binds up the brokenhearted, she does more than many books written on the subject of divorce: she not only addresses the issues, but offers real hope for healing."

Chuck Colson, founder, Prison Fellowship

"Steakley's book offers loads of comfort suitable for anyone grieving. Reminders of God's character proffer healing for those feeling like damaged products of the last couple generations of broken homes."

Jenn Cavanaugh, YouthWorker Journal, March/April 2009

"Readable as a novel--a real plus for someone really distressed. It includes good advice to parents as well as comfort and clear-sighted wisdom. It presents a case for Christian living. Highly recommended."

Beey Waller, The Lamplighter, February 2009

"Her chapters weave research on children and divorce with short anecdotes from the lives of others and biblical wisdom meant to comfort those struggling with divorce-related issues, including God's sovereignty and goodness, and their feelings of abandonment and guilt."

Susan Olasky, WORLD Magazine, November 1-8, 2008

"Full of useful information, but beyond that, the warmth and honesty of the writer will affect readers looking for comfort and community." A "Top Pick" book

DeWayne Hamby, Christian Retailing, September 22, 2008


1. The Trouble We Have Seen
2. Faith(fulness) of Our Fathers
3. The Weight of the World
4. All You Need Is Love
5. Things That Go Bump in the Night
6. All Things Made New
7. More Than a Statistic
8. Free at Last
9. Getting Past "Our Father"
Appendix A: A Note to Parents
Appendix B: What the Bible Says About Divorce
About the Author


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Kristine Steakley

Kristine Steakley is a freelance writer and a grant-writing consultant living in northern Virginia. She is a graduate of Messiah College in Grantham, Pennsylvania, and worked for more than a decade at Prison Fellowship Ministries. She is a blogger for The Point () and also blogs at .