Bored with God: How Parents, Youth Leaders and Teachers Can Overcome Student Apathy, By Sean Dunn

Bored with God

How Parents, Youth Leaders and Teachers Can Overcome Student Apathy

by Sean Dunn

Bored with God
  • Length: 107 pages
  • Published: April 05, 2004
  • Imprint: IVP
  • Item Code: 3206
  • ISBN: 9780830832064

*affiliate partner

You know that part of the Old Testament where the priest finds a suspicious sore on your arm and shaves a ring around it? A week later the priest takes another look to see if the skin has gotten better or if the sore has spread. If it's spreading, the priest knows you've got a big problem on your hands.

Like most diseases, apathy surfaces in observable symptoms that are frustrating to its victims and to the people who care for them. Teenagers are particularly susceptible to apathy--and apathy is particularly contagious.

In Bored with God, Sean Dunn catalogs what he's seen of apathy in his ministry to youth. He offers sympathetic guidance from the Scriptures for keeping apathy from spreading and for shepherding students into spiritual hunger.

Teenagers can be frustratingly sleepy in their faith, but once these slumbering giants are awakened to a life with God, they can apply virtually tireless energy to the problems of a world bored with God. And their energy is particularly contagious.

"Sean Dunn has powerfully addressed an issue that has baffled and frightened countless parents and youth workers for far too long--the spiritual boredom that is present in so many teens. Sean's insights are powerful and accurate, and his tips are highly practical. This is breakthrough stuff!"

Dwight Robertson, President, Kingdom Building Ministries

"In Bored with God, Sean Dunn confronts a deadly spiritual epidemic that is affecting young people everywhere: spiritual apathy. Sean's predominant research tool is life experience with teens, and he masterfully blends practical wisdom with real-life examples in every chapter. You will recognize young people you love in these stories and glean wisdom in how to help them catch fire for God."

Steve Moore, Leadership Coach and Consultant, Growing Leaders


Introduction: A Spiritual Habit or a Holy Passion?
1. They Know It All, But . . .
2. From Self-Righteousness to Humility
3. Shaking Up the Familiar
4. Getting Past Excuses
5. Cleaning Out Their Media Filters
6. Drawing Them Out of Seclusion
7. Helping Them Up After They Have Fallen
8. Teaching Them to Let Go
9. No More Squirming
10. Igniting a Passion for Purity
11. Healing and Hope Are on the Way
12. Instilling Security
13. Encouraging Proper Priorities
14. Why Do They Graduate from Their Faith?
Conclusion: Building In Desire
Further Reading


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Sean Dunn

The founder and president of Champion Ministries, Dunn has partnered with over forty denominations to minister to more than 200,000 young people and adults. He is the author of several books for youth, including Velocity: Moving to a Solid Faith.