A Model for Marriage: Covenant, Grace, Empowerment and Intimacy, By Jack O. Balswick and Judith K. Balswick

A Model for Marriage

Covenant, Grace, Empowerment and Intimacy

by Jack O. Balswick and Judith K. Balswick

A Model for Marriage
  • Length: 213 pages
  • Published: October 05, 2006
  • Imprint: IVP Academic
  • Item Code: 2760
  • ISBN: 9780830827602

*affiliate partner

Jack and Judy Balswick offer a vision of marriage that is both profoundly spiritual and thoroughly practical. Drawing insight from Christian theology and from social science research, the Balswicks bring together their years of teaching, writing and being married to each other to produce a book of faith and wisdom for facing the challenge of marriage in the twenty-first century.

"This book on families is saturated with the wisdom gained from more than three decades of writing, teaching and counseling. The Balswicks' understanding of family dynamics is deeply shaped by their relational theological convictions. The writing is accessible; the insights are profound."

Al Dueck, The Evelyn and Frank Freed Chair for the Integration of Psychology and Theology, Fuller Theological Seminary School of Psychology

"As a couples therapist, I get to see the empowerment of the Balswicks' differentiation-based understanding of marriage up close in the lives of couples. No one has articulated a better Christian model for the growth-producing challenges of contemporary marriage. Their rich practical integration of social science, theology and spirituality makes this book highly unique among the stacks of books on marriage. I am eager to recommend this book to clients, counselors and therapists."

Steven J. Sandage, Ph.D., LP, Associate Professor of Marriage and Family Studies, Bethel University

"The Balswicks have given us yet another great resource in the quest to understand just how Christian marriage is Christian. This volume is a premier example of how theology should inform our work as marriage counselors. Readers will be enriched as they learn from the authors how the biblical concepts of covenant, grace, empowerment and intimacy should govern our conduct in marriage."

James R. Beck, Ph.D., Senior Professor of Counseling, Denver Seminary, Li2271ttleton, Colorado

"In these times of confusion about what marriage is and does, or even if it should exist at all, a refreshingly clear and biblically precise reminder of what God intended for marriage is most welcome. Not only do Drs. Jack and Judy Balswick offer a sound theology of marriage, but the trinitarian model on which it is based leads naturally into practical guidance for couples on how to build a godly marriage.

The book is 'state of the art,' yet it takes couples through very practical topics such as differentiation, communication, conflict resolution and also the seasons of marriage. It is a helpful resource for couples at any stage of marriage, and at the same time provides an excellent resource and textbook for colleges and seminaries.

I predict that this book will be around for a long time; it is timeless!"

Archibald D. Hart, Ph.D., FPPR, Senior Professor of Psychology and Dean Emeritus, Graduate School of Psychology, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California


1. The Dilemma of Modern Marriage
2. A Trinitarian Model of Marriage
3. Covenant Marriage: The Greatest of These Is Love
4. The Gracing Marriage: Grace-Full Love
5. The Empowering Marriage: Mutual Empowerment and Mutual Servanthood
6. The Intimate Marriage: Knowing and Being Known
7. Leaving, Cleaving and Becoming One Flesh
8. Differentiated Unity
9. Communication, Connection, Communion
10. Conflict: The Fertilizer of Growth
11. The Seasons of Marriage
12. The Dual-Earner Marriage: An Elaborate Balancing Act
13. Sexuality in Its Splendor: One-Flesh Mystery
14. Marital Spirituality
Author Index
Subject Index
Scripture Index


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Jack O. Balswick

Jack O. Balswick (PhD, University of Iowa) is senior professor of sociology and family development at Fuller Theological Seminary. He has twice received an American Senior Fulbright Scholar Fellowship. He is author or coauthor of seventeen books, including Men at the Crossroads, The Reciprocating Self, and A Model for Marriage.

Judith K. Balswick

Judith K. Balswick (EdD, University of Georgia) is a licensed marriage and family therapist who has been in practice for over thirty years and has taught for over twenty years in the marriage and family therapy program at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California. Her books include The Family, The Gift of Gender, and A Model for Marriage.