A Little Primer on Humble Apologetics, By James W. Sire

A Little Primer on Humble Apologetics

by James W. Sire

A Little Primer on Humble Apologetics
  • Length: 112 pages
  • Dimensions: 5.5 × 8.25 in
  • Published: August 11, 2006
  • Imprint: IVP
  • Item Code: 3382
  • ISBN: 9780830833825

*affiliate partner

Always be prepared to make your defense to anyone who demands from you an accounting for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and reverence. (1 Peter 3:15-16)

We've all felt the tension. An opportunity to speak for Christ comes up, and either we jump in with both barrels blasting or we cower in the corner and say nothing. Is there a better way? Can we learn to speak boldly, yet humbly, about our faith in Christ?

Veteran apologist Jim Sire offers salient counsel derived from over fifty years of experience in a vast array of settings. Through a variety of snapshots, both successful and unsuccessful, he helps us understand the nature, value and limits of apologetics, and suggests how to tailor our comments to respect our audience whether large or small, formal or informal. He then outlines five key arguments for the Christian faith and offers responses to five common objections. Finally, for those especially drawn to apologetics, he offers counsel on how to discern a call to apologetic ministry.

"A valuable instrument for those who desire a more effective way to express and defend the Gospel to skeptics and seekers."

The Journal of Student Ministries, July-August 2007

"Sire writes in an engaging and insightful manner, with personal experiences included which make the reading relevant and interesting. This is a welcome addition to books on apologetics. Any Christian seeking to carry out the Great Commission would profit from reading Sire?s thoughts."

Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, June 2007

"Sire's latest work is a welcomed addition to the many books on apologetics that line my shelves. I am thankful for the blessing of a new, simply stated introduction to the field, and I trust many, both expert and amateur, will be refreshed by its clarity, simplicity and honesty."

Nate Shurden, reformation21.com, February 8, 2007

"With content true to its title, both beginners and veterans of apologetics could profit from this book."

Howard Glass, Pulpit Helps, April 2007


Apologetic Snapshot I: The Scope of Christian Apologetics
1. What is Apologetics?
Apologetic Snapshot II: Kent State
2. The Value of Apologetics
Apologetic Snapshot III: Ball State and Tennessee Tech
3. The Limits of Apologetics
Apologetic Snapshot IV: Carnegie Mellon
4. The Contexts of Apologetics
Apologetic Snapshot V: Southern Illinois University
5. The Arguments of Apologetics
Apologetic Snapshot VI: Varna University, Bulgaria
6. The Call to Apologetics
Subject Index
Scripture Index


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James W. Sire

James W. Sire (1933–2018) was a widely respected apologist, author, and lecturer who served for more than thirty years as senior editor at InterVarsity Press. He is the author of over twenty books, including the seminal apologetics title The Universe Next DoorApologetics Beyond Reason, and Discipleship of the Mind.