A Jigsaw Guide to Making Sense of the World, By Alex McLellan

A Jigsaw Guide to Making Sense of the World

by Alex McLellan

A Jigsaw Guide to Making Sense of the World
  • Length: 191 pages
  • Dimensions: 5.5 × 8.25 in
  • Published: October 31, 2012
  • Imprint: IVP
  • Item Code: 3781
  • ISBN: 9780830837816

*affiliate partner

Puzzled about life?

Sometimes the world doesn't make sense. Things seem random and disconnected, and we wonder if there's any purpose to it all, any meaning to our lives. But what if everything could make sense? What if the scattered pieces are actually meant to fit together?

Alex McLellan says that figuring out life is like assembling a jigsaw puzzle. You don't have to have every piece in place before you start to see the big picture. You just need enough important pieces to fit together. There are enough clues in the universe and in human experience to discern that there is an underlying order and significance to all things.

McLellan explores competing views of truth and belief and examines the nature of doubt. Ultimately Christianity is reasonable because it resonates with how we see and experience the world. Even if we don't have absolute certainty, we have enough to go on to have confidence in the Christian worldview.

You don't have to have all the answers. Just start putting the pieces together, and the big picture will emerge.

"Defending the faith has never been more practical. From allusions to James Bond to citations from scientists and philosophers, from the classroom to the real world, Alex McLellan guides readers over, around and through current obstacles to effective witness in the arena of ideas. The strategy developed here is wise and liberating. You'll be looking forward to his next book, or booking him to speak for your next event."

R. Douglas Geivett, Talbot Department of Philosophy, Biola University

"Alex McLellan makes a winsome case for 'confident Christianity,' which results from the belief that we can know the truth without knowing everything. But he doesn't stop there, and nor should you. He shows how knowing the truth compels us to share the gospel with a broken world and offer those in our spheres of influence the wholeness found in Christ alone."

Barry H. Corey, president, Biola University

"As an adjunct apologist with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, Alex McLellan is a tremendous asset to our international speaking team. His writing is equally compelling, for he shows how metaphor and real-life stories make sense of the gospel for skeptics and believers alike. I wholeheartedly recommend this book."

Ravi Zacharias, author and speaker

"Alex McLellan's book is a thoughtful, practical guide to making sense of the world. McLellan is culturally astute, but he makes his observations accessible and his points memorable for a popular audience."

Paul Copan, professor and Pledger Family Chair of Philosophy and Ethics, Palm Beach Atlantic University

"When the world around you seems confusing and disoriented, it's important to find a way to make sense of it all. My friend Alex McLellan may just be the one you're looking for. His insightful treatment of the world from God's point of view is a compelling tool to help you navigate through the confusion by taking you to God and his Word."

Joseph M. Stowell, president, Cornerstone University, Grand Rapids, Michigan

"Alex has a passion for communicating ultimate truth to ordinary people. This book is a powerful resource for Christians who want to share their faith with confidence, and to those still seeking answers."

Josh D. McDowell, author and speaker

"Defending the faith in a hostile world is sorely needed as increasing numbers aim their weapons at Christianity and the Bible. McLellan's Jigsaw Guide provides another valuable tool for the believer who is serious about engaging with the worldview of postmodern culture. Read, digest and help others make sense of the world."

J. Paul Nyquist, Ph.D., president, Moody Bible Institute

"This is a warm, well-informed, conversational approach to worldview issues. McLellan presents an effective cumulative-case strategy for making sense out of life by navigating the waters of competing worldviews. Readers will be strengthened in their faith and equipped to share that faith with others."

J. P. Moreland, distinguished professor of philosophy, Talbot School of Theology, and author of The God Question

". . . a warmhearted, rationalist approach to apologetics."

Caleb Nelson, World Magazine, June 1, 2013

"Taking a conversational approach to worldview issues, this thoughtful but practical guide will help believers put the pieces together and show how the Christian faith paints the big picture."

Christian Retailing, December 2012


Introduction: Seeing the Big Picture
1. Jigsaw: Be Prepared to See it!
2. Truth: Be Prepared to Handle it!
3. Belief: Be Prepared to Share it!
4. Faith: Be Prepared to Anchor it!
5. Doubt: Be Prepared to Deal with it!
6. The Big Picture: Be Prepared to Show it!


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Alex McLellan

Alex McLellan (M.A., Talbot School of Theology) is founder and executive director of Reason Why International, a Bible teaching and apologetics ministry. He has led training workshops and seminars around the world in Europe, America and Asia. He and his wife live in California with their three children.