Showing 41 - 50 of 60 results

  • Virtuous Minds: Intellectual Character Development, By Philip E. Dow

    Virtuous Minds

    Intellectual Character Development

    by Philip E. Dow

    Teacher-administrator Philip Dow explores the implications of setting intellectual character (rather than intellectual content) at the heart of our educational programs. With ample stories and practical suggestions, Dow shows how intellectual virtues like tenacity, carefulness and curiosity are teachable traits that can produce good lives.

  • InterVarsity Press creates and publishes resources that deepen lives in Christ to engage the university, the church, and the world.

  • After nearly nineteen years as the publisher of InterVarsity Press, Bob Fryling has announced that he will be retiring in June 2016. "This has not been a quick or easy decision as I still love IVP and our calling as a leading publisher of thoughtful Christian books," Fryling said. "Neither my passion nor my commitment to IVP has waned but as an entirely personal decision it seems like an appropriate time to allow others the privilege of leading IVP."