Showing 21 - 30 of 907 results

  • The Community of the King, By Howard A. Snyder

    The Community of the King

    by Howard A. Snyder

    A classic revisited--revised and expanded. For over twenty-five years, Howard Snyder's Community of the King has set the standard for a penetrating look at the relationship between the kingdom of God and the earthly church. Biblically and practically Snyder helps us think through such crucial questions as

    • What is the kingdom of God?
    • What role does it play in history?
    • What ...
  • My Vertical Neighborhood: How Strangers Became a Community, By Lynda MacGibbon

    My Vertical Neighborhood

    How Strangers Became a Community

    by Lynda MacGibbon
    Foreword by Michael Frost

    Top World Guild Awards Best Nonfiction Book of the Year

    What if our neighbors were our friends?

    When Lynda MacGibbon moved from a small city in eastern Canada to a high-rise apartment in Toronto, she decided to follow Jesus' famous commandment to "love your neighbor" a bit more literally. In the past, she would have looked first for friends at her new ...

  • IVP is pleased to partner with the Christian Community Development Association (CCDA) to publish a line of co-branded books that align with both organizations' shared values of justice and community development. Founded under the leadership of Dr. John Perkins more than thirty years ago, CCDA aims to inspire, train, and connect Christians who seek to bear witness to the Kingdom of God by reclaiming and restoring under-resourced communities.

  • Intergenerational Christian Formation: Bringing the Whole Church Together in Ministry, Community, and Worship, By Holly Catterton Allen and Christine Lawton and Cory L. Seibel

    Intergenerational Christian Formation

    Bringing the Whole Church Together in Ministry, Community, and Worship

    by Holly Catterton Allen, Christine Lawton, and Cory L. Seibel
    Foreword by Jason Brian Santos

    "One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts." —Psalm 145:4

    Most churches and faith communities segment their ministries by age and generation. In some congregations, people may never interact with those of other ages. But it was not always so. Throughout biblical tradition and the majority of history, communities of faith included people ...

  • Sensible Shoes Participant's Kit
    shrinkwrapped items

    Sensible Shoes Participant's Kit

    Sensible Shoes Series

    by Sharon Garlough Brown

    Sensible Shoes is an unusual novel, blending a fictional story with nonfiction teaching elements. Some readers view it only as a story of four characters on a journey. Others say yes to a deeper level of reading, embracing the opportunity to take a "sacred journey" along with the characters, by opening themselves to the Spirit's work and attending to God's invitations.

    The ...

  • The Community of the King, By Howard A. Snyder The Community of the King, By Howard A. Snyder

    The Community of the King

    by Howard A. Snyder

    A classic revisited--revised and expanded. For over twenty-five years, Howard Snyder's Community of the King has set the standard for a penetrating look at the relationship between the kingdom of God and the earthly church. Biblically and practically Snyder helps us think through such crucial questions as

    • What is the kingdom of God?
    • What role does it play in history?
    • What ...
  • Divine Merger: What Happens When Jesus Collides with Your Community, By Mark E. Strong

    Divine Merger

    What Happens When Jesus Collides with Your Community

    by Mark E. Strong
    Foreword by Kevin Palau

    What would happen if your community had a head-on collision with Jesus? Pastor and community leader Mark Strong says, "You would have exactly what God wants: a divine merger!" He continues: "A divine merger is when the church intentionally integrates with its community. . . . The result is a kingdom transformation." This book is designed to give you the vision and tools you need to fulfill your ...

  • Life Together in Christ: Experiencing Transformation in Community, By Ruth Haley Barton

    Life Together in Christ

    Experiencing Transformation in Community

    Transforming Resources

    by Ruth Haley Barton

    Best Book of Spiritual Formation, from Byron Borger, Hearts and Minds Bookstore

    Have you joined a church or small group in hopes of experiencing real life change, only to be disappointed?

    Have you sat through inspiring sermons about what is possible when Christians gather together in mutually edifying relationships, only to recognize how cynical you have become after ...

  • Making Neighborhoods Whole: A Handbook for Christian Community Development, By Wayne Gordon and John M. Perkins

    Making Neighborhoods Whole

    A Handbook for Christian Community Development

    by Wayne Gordon and John M. Perkins
    Foreword by Shane Claiborne

    Already with decades of experience speaking prophetically into the charged racial climate of the American south, John Perkins began to see a need for organized thinking and collaborative imagination about how the church engages urban ministry. And so the Christian Community Development Association (CCDA) was born, with Wayne Gordon an immediate and enthusiastic participant. Nearly thirty years ...

  • The Economics of Neighborly Love: Investing in Your Community's Compassion and Capacity, By Tom Nelson

    The Economics of Neighborly Love

    Investing in Your Community's Compassion and Capacity

    by Tom Nelson

    The Gospel Coalition Book Award

    What does the good news of Jesus mean for economics?

    Too often, Christian teaching and ministry have focused only on the gospel's spiritual significance and ignored its physical, real-world ramifications. But loving our neighbor well has direct economic implications, and in our diverse and stratified society we need to grapple with them ...