Showing 21 - 30 of 68 results
Prayers for every aspect of life
During the pandemic, priest and theologian David Taylor began writing collects (an ancient form of short prayer) as a daily spiritual exercise. It was a way for him to offer back to God his own fears and anxieties. As time went on, he began to receive requests for written prayers from friends and even strangers for a wide variety of circumstances ...
Bestselling author and Renovaré founder Richard J. Foster will be discussing his newest book, Sanctuary of the Soul: Journey into Meditative Prayer, with Wheaton College chaplain Dr. Stephen Kellough on Thursday, November 3, at 7 p.m. in the Todd M. Beamer Center. The event, which is open to the public, will include a time for Q&A and will be followed by an opportunity to purchase the book and have it signed by Foster.
Sharon Garlough Brown has signed a contract with InterVarsity Press for two follow-up books to Sensible Shoes: A Story About the Spiritual Journey (IVP Crescendo).
How could the life, let alone the death, of one man 2,000 years ago be the salvation of the human race? The biblical explanation is the atonement: the crucified one was the Son of God, acting and suffering in cooperation with God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. The crucifixion of Jesus Christ is presented in all four Gospels, and occupies considerable space in the overall narrative. The death ...
How could the life, let alone the death, of one man 2,000 years ago be the salvation of the human race? The biblical explanation is the atonement: the crucified one was the Son of God, acting and suffering in cooperation with God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. The crucifixion of Jesus Christ is presented in all four Gospels, and occupies considerable space in the overall narrative. The death ...
How would you tell people to remember you after you are gone? Jesus lays out instructions for his remembrance—what we know as communion—to his disciples during his last quiet night with them before his death. This single session is taken from John Stott's LifeGuide Bible Study The Cross. It features the inductive Bible study method, a workbook format, leader's notes and a single-user ...
Number of Studies: 1
How would you tell people to remember you after you are gone? Jesus lays out instructions for his remembrance—what we know as communion—to his disciples during his last quiet night with them before his death. This single session is taken from John Stott's LifeGuide Bible Study The Cross. Features the inductive Bible study method, a workbook format, leader's notes and license to print ...
Number of Studies: 1