Web 1.1. Georges Rouault, Homo homini lupus (Man is a wolf to man), 1944–1948. https://www.artres.com/CS.aspx?VP3=DamView&VBID=2UN94S3S91T0&SMLS=1&RW=1393&RH=725&FR_=1&W=1920&H=1065
Web 1.2. Georges Rouault, Christ Crucifié (Christ Crucified), United Nations. https://www.un.org/ungifts/christ-crucified
Web 1.3. Georges Rouault, Tête du Christ (Head of Christ), 1937, Cleveland Museum of Art. https://www.clevelandart.org/art/1950.399
Web 1.4. Georges Rouault, Sarah, 1956, Fondation Georges Rouault. https://rouault.org/oeuvre/sarah-1956/
Web 2.1. Georges Rouault, "Celui qui croit en moi, fût-il mort, vivra." ("The one who believes in me, even should he die, will live."), Miserere, Plate 28, 1923, Art Institute of Chicago. https://www.artic.edu/artworks/83766/he-that-believes-in-me-though-he-were-dead-yet-shall-he-live-plate-28-from-miserere
Web 2.2. Georges Rouault, Seigneur, c'est vois, je vois reconnais. (Lord, it is you, I recognize you.), Miserere, Plate 32, 1927, Art Institute of Chicago. https://www.artic.edu/artworks/83770/lord-it-is-you-who-i-recognize-plate-32-from-miserere
Web 2.3. Georges Rouault, De Profundis . . . (Out of the depths . . .), Miserere, Plate 47, 1927, Art Institute of Chicago. https://www.artic.edu/artworks/83786/de-profundis-plate-47-from-miserere
Web 2.4. Georges Rouault, Autumn Nazareth, 1948, Collezione d'arte religiosa moderna (Vatican City). https://catalogo.museivaticani.va/index.php/Detail/objects/MV.23668.0.0
Web 3.1. Georges Rouault, La Rixe sur le chantier / Paysage de nuit (The brawl on the construction site [or Night Landscape]), 1897, Musée d’Orsay. https://www.musee-orsay.fr/en/artworks/la-rixe-sur-le-chantier-98659
Web 3.2. Georges Rouault, Parade (Sideshow), 1907, Centre Pompidou. https://www.centrepompidou.fr/en/ressources/oeuvre/cpgjMz4
Web 3.3. Georges Rouault, Monsieur et Madame Poulot (The Couple, red zone), 1905, private collection. https://wikioo.org/paintings.php?refarticle=8LJ2N3&titlepainting=The%20Poulot%20or%20partner,%20Red%20Zone&artistname=Georges%20Rouault
Web 3.4. Georges Rouault, Tête du Christ (Head of Christ), 1905, Chrysler Museum of Art. https://chrysler.emuseum.com/objects/10726/head-of-christ
Web 3.5. Georges Rouault, La Pauvre Famille (The Poor Family [Exodus]), 1910, Centre Pompidou. https://www.centrepompidou.fr/en/ressources/oeuvre/cLr85n
Web 3.6. Georges Rouault, Faubourg des longues peines (Faubourg of Toil and Suffering [Mother and Children]), 1911, Musée d’Art Moderne de Paris. https://www.mam.paris.fr/fr/collections-en-ligne#/artwork/georges-rouault-faubourg-des-longues-peines-180000000002386?page=1&filters=query%3ARouault%20faubourg
Web 3.7. Georges Rouault, Hiver (Winter III), 1910, Musée d’Art Moderne de Paris. https://www.mam.paris.fr/fr/collections-en-ligne#/artwork/georges-rouault-hiver-180000000002404?page=4&layout=mosaic&filters=query%3ARouault
Web 3.8. Georges Rouault, Le Christ en banlieue (Christ in the Suburbs), 1920–1924, Fondation Georges Rouault. https://rouault.org/en/works/christ-en-banlieue/
Web 3.9. Georges Rouault, Old Faubourg, 1951, Fondation Georges Rouault. https://rouault.org/en/oeuvre/vieux-faubourg-mere-et-enfants-1951
Web 3.10. Georges Rouault, Rue des Solitaires (Street of the Lonely), Miserere, Plate 23, 1922, Art Institute of Chicago. https://www.artic.edu/artworks/83757/street-of-the-lonely-plate-23-from-miserere
Web 3.11. Georges Rouault, au vieux fauborg des Longues Peines (In the old faubourg of longsuffering), Miserere, Plate 10, 1922, North Carolina Museum of Art. https://ncartmuseum.org/object/miserere-plate-10-au-vieux-fauborg-des-longues-peines/
Web 3.12. Georges Rouault, hiver lepre de la terre (winter plague of the earth), Miserere, Plate 24, 1922, Art Institute of Chicago. https://www.artic.edu/artworks/83760/winter-earth-s-leper-plate-24-from-miserere
Web 3.13. Georges Rouault, Le dur métier de vivre . . . (The hard work of living . . .), Miserere, Plate 12, 1922, Art Institute of Chicago. https://www.artic.edu/artworks/131789/life-is-hard-plate-twelve-from-miserere
Web 3.14. Georges Rouault, "Jésus sera en agonie jusqu'a la fin du monde . . ." ("Jesus will be in agony, until the end of the world . . ."), Miserere, Plate 35, 1945, Art Institute of Chicago. https://www.artic.edu/artworks/131830/jesus-will-be-in-agony-until-the-end-of-the-world-plate-35-from-miserere
Web 4.1. Georges Rouault, Veroniqué (Veronica), 1945, Centre Pompidou. https://www.centrepompidou.fr/en/ressources/oeuvre/co4yyR5
Web 4.2. Georges Rouault, au pays de la soif et de la peur (In the land of thirst and fear), Miserere, Plate 26, 1923, Art Institute of Chicago. https://www.artic.edu/artworks/131803/in-the-land-of-thirst-and-fear-plate-26-from-miserere
Web 5.1. Georges Rouault, Fille au miroir (Girl in the Mirror), 1906, Fondation Georges Rouault. https://rouault.org/oeuvre/fille-au-miroir-1906-2
Web 5.2. Georges Rouault, Le Vieux Roi (The Old King), 1916–1936, Carnegie Museum of Art. https://collection.carnegieart.org/objects/728c647f-2050-4885-b5bf-6b8e3886a0ae
Web 5.3. Georges Rouault, Pierrots bleus au bouquet (Blue Pierrots with Bouquet), 1946, WikiArt. https://www.wikiart.org/en/georges-rouault/pierrots-bleus-au-bouquet-1946
Web 6.1. Romare Bearden, Golgotha, 1945, Metropolitan Museum of Art. https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/488776
Web 6.2. Romare Bearden, He Is Arisen, 1945, MoMA. https://www.moma.org/collection/works/34896
Web 6.3. Romare Bearden, Prevalence of Ritual: Baptism, 1964, Smithsonian. https://hirshhorn.si.edu/collection/artwork/?edanUrl=edanmdm:hmsg_66.410
Web 6.4. Romare Bearden, The Dove, 1964, MoMA. https://www.moma.org/collection/works/36572
Web 7.1. Georges Rouault, Abandonné (The Abandoned), 1920–1927, Centre Pompidou. https://www.centrepompidou.fr/fr/ressources/oeuvre/cn7yKdk
Web 7.2. Georges Rouault, The Crucifixion, early 1920s, Minneapolis Institute of Art. https://collections.artsmia.org/art/1259/the-crucifixion-Georgess-rouault
Web 7.3. Natalia Goncharova, Archangel Michael, 1910, Los Angeles County Museum of Art. https://collections.lacma.org/node/170685
Web 7.4. Kazamir Malevich, Black Square, 1915, Tretyakov Gallery. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Square_(painting)#/media/File:Kazimir_Malevich,_1915,_Black_Suprematic_Square,_oil_on_linen_canvas,_79.5_x_79.5_cm,_Tretyakov_Gallery,_Moscow.jpg
Web 7.5. Thomas Cole, Sunrise in the Catskills, 1826, National Gallery of Art. https://www.nga.gov/collection/art-object-page.71025.html
Web 7.6. Paul Gaugin, Vision of the Sermon, 1888, National Galleries of Scotland. https://www.nationalgalleries.org/art-and-artists/4940/vision-sermon-jacob-wrestling-angel
Web 7.7. Vincent van Gogh, The Sower, 1888, Van Gogh Museum. https://www.vangoghmuseum.nl/en/collection/s0029V1962
Web 8.1. Gustav Moreau, Orpheus at the Tomb of Eurydice, 1891, Musée Gustave Moreau. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Gustave_Moreau_-_Orpheus_at_the_Tomb_of_Eurydice,_1891.jpg
Web 8.2. Georges Rouault, L'aveugle parfois a consolé le voyant (The blind have sometimes consoled the sighted), Miserere, Plate 55, 1926, Art Institute of Chicago. https://www.artic.edu/artworks/131851/sometimes-a-blind-man-has-consoled-the-seeing-plate-55-from-miserere
Web 8.3. Pablo Picasso, Three Women at the Spring, 1921, MoMA. https://www.moma.org/collection/works/79762
Web 8.4. Georges Rouault, Ecce dolor (Behold the sorrow), The Passion, Plate 8, 1936, Art Institute of Chicago. https://www.artic.edu/artworks/122465/ecce-dolor-plate-eight-from-the-passion
Web 8.5. Georges Rouault, Le condamné s'en est allé . . . (The condemned is led away . . .), Miserere, Plate 18, 1922, Art Institute of Chicago. https://www.artic.edu/artworks/131795/the-condemned-man-has-left-plate-eighteen-from-miserere
Web 8.6. Georges Rouault, son avocat, en phrases creuses, clame sa total inconscience . . . (His lawyer, in hollow phrases, proclaims his total unconsciousness . . .), Miserere, Plate 19, 1922, Art Institute of Chicago. https://www.artic.edu/artworks/131796/his-lawyer-in-hollow-phrases-proclaims-his-total-thoughtlessness-plate-nineteen-from-miserere
Web 8.7. Georges Rouault, sous un Jésus en croix oublié la (beneath a Jesus on the cross forgotten there), Miserere, Plate 20, 1926, Art Institute of Chicago. https://www.artic.edu/artworks/131797/beneath-jesus-on-the-forgotten-cross-plate-20-from-miserere
Web 8.8. Georges Rouault, Le Christ et les disciples (Christ and Disciples), The Passion, Plate 15, 1936, Art Institute of Chicago. https://www.artic.edu/artworks/122472/christ-and-disciples-plate-fifteen-from-the-passion
Web 8.9. Georges Rouault, "Ce'est par ses meurtrissures que nous sommes guéris" (By his wounds we are healed), Miserere, Plate 58, 1922, Art Institute of Chicago. https://www.artic.edu/artworks/83799/it-is-by-his-wounds-that-we-are-healed-plate-58-from-miserere
Web I8.1. Georges Rouault, Head of Christ, 1932–1936, Los Angeles County Museum of Art. https://collections.lacma.org/node/240733
Web 9.1. Georges Rouault, Il arrive parfois que la route soit belle . . . (Sometimes it happens that the road is beautiful . . .), Miserere, Plate 9, 1922, Art Institute of Chicago. https://www.artic.edu/artworks/7093/sometimes-one-finds-a-beautiful-path-plate-nine-from-miserere
Web AC.1. Georges Rouault, Christ et sainte femme (Christ and a Holy Woman), The Passion, Plate 4, 1936, Art Institute of Chicago. https://www.artic.edu/artworks/122461/christ-and-a-holy-woman-plate-four-from-the-passion