Philosophy & the Christian Faith
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Colin Brown surveys the thought of over four hundred philosophers from the Middle Ages to the present day. This clear and concise guide shows how various thinkers and ideas have affected Christian belief and brings together the lessons Christians can learn from philosophy.
1. Medieval Philosophy
I. The Roots of Medieval Thought
II. Metaphysics
III. Anselm and the Ontological Argument
IV. Thomas Aquinas
V. The Significance of Medieval Philosophy
2. From the Reformation to the Age of Enlightenment
I. The Cradle of Modern Thought
II. The Reformers and Their Successors
III. Rationalism
IV. Empiricism
V. The English Deists and Their Opponenets
VI. Enlightenment and Scepticism on the Continent
3. The Ninteenth-Century Ferment
I. Schleiermacher
II. Hegel and Idealism
III. Kierkegaard
IV. Atheism and Agnosticism
V. Trends in Theology
4. Philosophy and Faith in the Twentieth Century
I. Logical Positivism and Linguistic Analysis
II. Exisentialism
III. The New Radicalism
IV. The Broader Spectrum
V. Philosophy and Reformed Theology
5. Postscript: The Christian and Philosophy
I. Lessons from the Past
II. The Value and Task of the Philosophy of the Christian Religion
A Note on Books