These daily online studies are adapted from our Quiet Time Bible Guide. The studies go through the Old and New Testaments in just over two years. The approach taken by our quiet time Bible studies does not include answers. The goal of the study is to help you dig into Scripture for yourself. You can go deeper using a commentary, Bible background guide or Bible handbook.

James 4:11-17: Getting Perspective

For more context before you begin studying, read this introduction to the book of James.

"I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul." How subtly we convince ourselves that we control our lives. Sometimes only a crisis or even death itself convinces us otherwise. If we are truly wise and humble, we will listen carefully when James says, "You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes."

Warming Up to God

How have you been trying to control your life? Confess it to God and experience the freedom of giving him control.

Read James 4:11-17

Discovering the Word

  • Why does James say we shouldn't slander or speak against a Christian brother or sister (vv. 11-12)?
  • If we judge the law, what does this say about our attitude toward the lawgiver (v. 11)?
  • How can a proper attitude toward God (v. 12) enable us to have a proper attitude toward others?
  • How would you describe the two attitudes toward the future found in verses 13-17?
  • If our life is like a mist, what should be our attitude toward tomorrow?

Applying the Word

  • If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, how would your attitude toward life today be different?
  • What future plans do you often dwell on?
  • In what area of your life do you need to turn your plans over to God's will?

Responding in Prayer

Ask God to help you love those around you rather than judge them. Humbly commit your future plans to the Lord.

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Are you grappling with a difficult verse in the Bible? And are you looking for a short, easy-to-read answer that really makes sense without explaining away the verse? Visit this page for a new difficult passage explained daily.