I. Howard Marshall

I. Howard Marshall

I. Howard Marshall

I. Howard Marshall (1934-2015) was a world-renowned New Testament scholar and the author or editor of at least thirty-eight books and more than 120 essays and articles. He taught New Testament at the University of Aberdeen for thirty-five years and was a professor emeritus for sixteen years. Among his numerous publications on the New Testament are his commentaries on the Gospel of Luke, Acts, 1-2 Thessalonians, the Pastoral Epistles, and 1 Peter and 1-3 John. He is coauthor of Exploring the New Testament: A Guide to the Letters and Revelation and coeditor of the New International Greek Testament Commentary series, as well as the author of the series' volume on Luke. He has also authored New Testament Theology: Many Witnesses, One Gospel. Marshall was an evangelical Methodist who was born and lived most of his life in Scotland. He received a PhD from the University of Aberdeen and a DD from Asbury Theological Seminary.

See IVP's Remember Ian Howard Marshall memorial page.

Read the Gospel Coalition's tribute to Marshall's life and career.

I. Howard Marshall and Stephen Travis and Ian Paul
I. Howard Marshall and Stephen Travis and Ian Paul
David G. Peterson
I. Howard Marshall
I. Howard Marshall
I. Howard Marshall
I. Howard Marshall
I. Howard Marshall
I. Howard Marshall
David G. Peterson
I. Howard Marshall
Donald J. Wiseman