Times & Places: Picturing the Events of the Bible, By Michael Redding

Times & Places

Picturing the Events of the Bible

by Michael Redding

Times & Places
  • Length: 75 pages
  • Dimensions: 5.5 × 8.25 in
  • Published: July 06, 2000
  • Imprint: IVP Bible Studies
  • Item Code: 2062
  • ISBN: 9780830820627

*affiliate partner

Sometimes when you see a place for the first time your whole perspective on it changes. That is just as true for our understanding the Bible as it is in other aspects of our lives today. This guide helps you picture the places referred to in the Bible and to work through a time line of important events. As you fill out your mental image of these important places and times, your understanding will grow.


Session 1. Geography of the Bible
Session 2. Creation to Law
Session 3. Conquest, Kingdom, Captivity Preparation
Session 4. The Life of Christ
Session 5. The Church
Session 6. Putting It All Together

Leader's Notes

Redding is a trainer and consultant for IBM Corporation. He is an active volunteer at Willow Creek Community Church (South Barrington, Illinois), providing leadership in small group ministry and teaching Bible classes.