Interpretation: Discovering the Bible for Yourself, By Judson Poling


Discovering the Bible for Yourself

by Judson Poling

  • Length: 64 pages
  • Dimensions: 5.5 × 8.25 in
  • Number of Studies: 6
  • Published: May 04, 2000
  • Imprint: IVP Bible Studies
  • Item Code: 2065
  • ISBN: 9780830820658

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You read the Bible to understand.

But how do you know that you are really getting the intended meaning?

This Bible 101 study guide by Judson Poling outlines essential principles for finding the meaning of God's Word through inductive study. You'll learn to look at context and culture, and then to apply God's truth to your own life. You'll understand what the Bible says to you, here and now.


Session 1: Principles of Interpretation
Session 2: Context Culture
Session 3: Discovering the Meaning
Session 4: Avoiding Interpretation Pitfalls
Session 5: What Does the Text Say for Today?
Session 6: Putting It All Together
Leader's Notes

Poling is co-author of the bestselling series, Walking With God.