Forty Days on Being a Seven, By Gideon Yee Shun Tsang
Forty Days on Being a Seven
  • Length: 128 pages
  • Dimensions: 5 × 7 in
  • Number of Studies: 40
  • Published: March 23, 2021
  • Imprint: IVP Formatio
  • Item Code: 4754
  • ISBN: 9780830847549

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What is it like to be an Enneagram Seven?

Adventurer, spiritual leader, and artist Gideon Tsang tackles this question with the signature style of a Seven. Intermixed with stories of travel and making new friends in surprising places, is a commitment to honest self-assessment. Gideon shares how his Enneagram journey has led to personal and spiritual transformation in a series of readings that will delight readers and enlighten readers who want to understand the world of the Seven more fully. Each of the forty readings concludes with an opportunity for further engagement such as a journaling prompt, reflection questions, a written prayer, or a spiritual practice.

Any of us can find aspects of ourselves in any of the numbers. The Enneagram is a profound tool for empathy, so whether or not you are a Seven, you will grow from your reading about Sevens and enhance your relationships across the Enneagram spectrum.

"As a somewhat formally unexplored Seven, I found so much of my own journey on each page of Gideon Tsang's forty days of public self-examination. Did I, too, become a pastor as a subconscious effort to win the approval that my father withheld for most of my life? Is my owning nine bikes and a shelf full of professional camera gear an outgrowth of my own gluttonous propensities as it is for Gideon? Being almost twenty years further down the road than him, I can fully attest that the lesson of living each day with my worth fully sourced in Christ and his unbounded, unabashed love for me is also what has made my being a Seven much more of a blessing to myself and others than a curse. This book was incredibly validating and convicting!"

Ken Fong, podcast host and retired pastor

"Through wit, humor, and vulnerability, Gideon Tsang paints a vivid picture of the heart and mind of a Seven. Forty Days on Being a Seven offers revelatory insights, spiritual practices, and introspective tools that draw you deeper into your authentic self and the presence of God."

Dominique DuBois Gilliard, author of Rethinking Incarceration

"Highly relatable no matter what Enneagram number you are. Gideon Tsang mixes autobiography, pastoring, and Enneagram coaching in a way that lets you know he isn't inviting you into a transformation that he hasn't already been willing to undertake himself, which makes him a guide you can trust on the journey to wholeness."

Scott Erickson, author of Honest Advent: Awakening to the Wonder of God Then, Here, and Now

Read an Excerpt


Welcome to Enneagram Daily Reflections by Suzanne Stabile
On Being a Seven
40 Daily Readings


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Gideon Yee Shun Tsang

Gideon Yee Shun Tsang is an artist, writer, photographer, and spiritual leader. He was the founding pastor at Vox Veniae in Austin, Texas, where he's been living for the past twenty years. He originally hails from Canada. He can be found meandering the country in his van, bike camping in national forests, or cliff jumping into cenotes.

Suzanne Stabile

Suzanne Stabile is a highly sought-after speaker, teacher, and internationally recognized Enneagram master teacher, having conducted over five hundred workshops. She is the author of The Path Between Us and she is creator and host of The Enneagram Journey podcast. Along with her husband, Rev. Joseph Stabile, she is cofounder of Life in the Trinity Ministry. Their ministry home, the Micah Center, is located in Dallas, Texas.