Bacon Sandwiches & Salvation: A Humorous Antidote for the Pharisee in All of Us, By Adrian Plass

Bacon Sandwiches & Salvation

A Humorous Antidote for the Pharisee in All of Us

by Adrian Plass

Bacon Sandwiches & Salvation
  • Length: 251 pages
  • Dimensions: 5.5 × 8.25 in
  • Published: October 29, 2008
  • Imprint: IVP
  • Item Code: 5607
  • ISBN: 9780830856077

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"Halfway through the service our minister asked the congregation a question. 'For you, what is the most important thing in the world?' Liz and I answered more or less simultaneously. My reply was very proper and holy for a change. 'Salvation!' I cried piously.

'Bacon sandwiches!' suggested Liz, with all the passion and wisdom you would expect from a retired magistrate and area schools advisor for religious education. Yes, I thought to myself. Of course. Bacon sandwiches and salvation. That just about sums it up. A God who can create the indescribable tastiness of a bacon sandwich must be planning something pretty incredible in the salvation line."

Join international best-selling author Adrian Plass in this A to Z laugh-out-loud guide to taking ourselves, as Christians, less seriously.

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Adrian Plass ins a writer and speaker who has produced over thirty books in the last twenty years. The best know of these is probably The Sacred Diary of Adrian Plass, a gentle satire of the modern church, which has sold hundreds of thousands of copies worldwide.