• Theologies of the American Revivalists: From Whitefield to Finney, By Robert W. Caldwell III

    Theologies of the American Revivalists

    From Whitefield to Finney

    by Robert W. Caldwell III

    Robert Caldwell traces the fascinating story of American revival theologies during the Great Awakenings, examining the particular convictions underlying these conversions to faith. Caldwell offers a reconsideration of the theologies of important figures and movements, giving fresh insight into what it meant to become a Christian during this age in America's religious history.

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    The twenty-first century has opened with a rapidly changing map of Christianity. While its influence is waning in some of its traditional Western strongholds, it is growing at a phenomenal pace in the global South. Miriam Adeney has lived, traveled and ministered widely. In this book she pulls back the veil on real Christians around the world--their faith, their hardships, their triumphs and, yes, their failures--and shares the inspiring and challenging story of a kingdom that knows no borders.

  • Wesley and the Anglicans: Political Division in Early Evangelicalism, By Ryan Nicholas Danker

    Wesley and the Anglicans

    Political Division in Early Evangelicalism

    by Ryan Nicholas Danker

    Why did the Wesleyan Methodists and the Anglican evangelicals divide during the middle of the eighteenth century? Many say it was based narrowly on theological matters. Ryan Nicholas Danker suggests that politics was a major factor driving them apart. Rich in detail, this study offers deep insight into a critical juncture in evangelicalism and early Methodism.

  • Global Evangelicalism: Theology, History and Culture in Regional Perspective, Edited byDonald M. Lewis and Richard V. Pierard

    Global Evangelicalism

    Theology, History and Culture in Regional Perspective

    Edited by Donald M. Lewis and Richard V. Pierard

    Front-rank historians of evangelicalism gather in this introduction and overview of the surprising and dynamic global Christian movement known as evangelicalism. Its defining characteristics are discussed, its regional growth and expansion surveyed, its place in globalization weighed and its salient features sampled.

  • For Christ and the University: The Story of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship of the USA - 1940-1990, By Keith Hunt and Gladys Hunt

    For Christ and the University

    The Story of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship of the USA - 1940-1990

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    Keith and Gladys Hunt tell the story of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship's first fifty years--from early setbacks and failed plans to creative strategies and spiritual triumphs.

  • Basic Christian: The Inside Story of John Stott, By Roger Steer

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    Foreword by David Neff
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    John Stott is the leading evangelical churchman of the twentieth century. In this engaging story of this remarkable life, Roger Sheer takes readers from Stott's lifelong association with the parish church of All Souls in London to every continent on the planet. Here is the book that tells why he is, as Time magazine noted in 2005, one of the hundred most influential people in the world.

  • C. Stacey Woods and the Evangelical Rediscovery of the University, By A. Donald MacLeod

    C. Stacey Woods and the Evangelical Rediscovery of the University

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    Scott R. Burson and Jerry L. Walls compare and contrast the thought of Lewis and Schaeffer, point out strengths and weaknesses of their apologetics, and suggest what these two thinkers still offer us in light of postmodernism and other cultural currents that have changed the apologetic landscape.

  • The Expansion of Evangelicalism: The Age of Wilberforce, More, Chalmers and Finney, By John Wolffe

    The Expansion of Evangelicalism

    The Age of Wilberforce, More, Chalmers and Finney

    History of Evangelicalism Series

    by John Wolffe

    John Wolffe provides an authoritative account of evangelicalism from the 1790s to the 1840s, making extensive use of primary sources. A compelling book, rich in detail, that will excite history buffs, students and professors, and any reader interested in the development of evangelicalism.

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