Showing 1361 - 1370 of 1515 results

  • Habits of the Mind: Intellectual Life as a Christian Calling, By James W. Sire

    Habits of the Mind

    Intellectual Life as a Christian Calling

    The IVP Signature Collection

    by James W. Sire

    Can the intellectual life be a legitimate Christian calling? James Sire brings wit and wisdom to this question in his deeply personal exploration of how to think well for the glory of God and the sake of his kingdom, showing how to cultivate intellectual virtues—habits of the mind—that will strengthen you in pursuit of your calling.

  • The Essential Question: How You Can Make a Difference for God, By Whitney T. Kuniholm

    The Essential Question

    How You Can Make a Difference for God

    by Whitney T. Kuniholm

    What difference am I making with my life? Whitney Kuniholm, president of Scripture Union/USA, addresses this fundamental question through the lens of fifty brief reflections from the book of Acts. The experiences of the first Christians show us that God has an essential mission for all of his people.

    Number of Studies: 10

  • Christ-Shaped Character: Choosing Love, Faith and Hope, By Helen Cepero

    Christ-Shaped Character

    Choosing Love, Faith and Hope

    by Helen Cepero

    What are the pathways that lead us to God? In this book Helen Cepero leads you through the journey beginning with three ways of love, then three ways of continuing in faith, and then lastly, three ways of living in hope. These nine pathways will lead you into deeper life with Christ.

  • Our Church Speaks: An Illustrated Devotional of Saints from Every Era and Place, By Ben Lansing and D. J. Marotta

    Our Church Speaks

    An Illustrated Devotional of Saints from Every Era and Place

    by Ben Lansing and D. J. Marotta

    This vividly illustrated devotional offers fifty-two profound images and reflections on great women and men of faith from Polycarp in the first century to the martyrs of Sudan in the twenty-first. These saints from every continent and century will spark your imagination, helping you to be faithful in our own age.

  • The Message of Sonship, By Trevor J. Burke

    The Message of Sonship

    by Trevor J. Burke

    In this warm-hearted exposition, Trevor Burke shows the many dimensions of "sonship" in Scripture. It is at once the focus of creation, a metaphor for salvation, a moral imperative and the goal of human restoration. For those whom the Father adopts into his household, the family bonds that begin in this life will last for all eternity.

  • Renovation of the Church: What Happens When a Seeker Church Discovers Spiritual Formation, By Kent Carlson and Mike Lueken

    Renovation of the Church

    What Happens When a Seeker Church Discovers Spiritual Formation

    by Kent Carlson and Mike Lueken
    Foreword by Dallas Willard

    Copastors Kent Carlson and Mike Lueken tell the decade-long story of how God took their thriving, consumer-oriented church and transformed it into a modest congregation of unformed believers committed to the growth of the spirit—even when it meant a decline in numbers.

  • Christianity and Literature: Philosophical Foundations and Critical Practice, By David Lyle Jeffrey and Gregory Maillet

    Christianity and Literature

    Philosophical Foundations and Critical Practice

    Christian Worldview Integration Series

    by David Lyle Jeffrey and Gregory Maillet

    In this book David Lyle Jeffrey and Gregory Maillet offer a feast of theoretical and practical discernment. After an examination of literature and truth, theological aesthetics, and the literary character of the Bible, they turn to a brief survey of literature from medieval times to the present, highlighting distinctively Christian themes.

  • What Hath Darwin to Do with Scripture?: Comparing Conceptual Worlds of the Bible and Evolution, By Dru Johnson

    What Hath Darwin to Do with Scripture?

    Comparing Conceptual Worlds of the Bible and Evolution

    by Dru Johnson

    The book of Genesis might be the most Darwinian text of the ancient world. Can the ideas of Scripture and evolutionary science be mutually illuminating? Biblical scholar Dru Johnson calls us beyond creation-versus-evolution debates to explore the continuities and discontinuities between biblical themes and those of Darwin and modern science.

  • The New Conspirators: Creating the Future One Mustard Seed at a Time, By Tom Sine

    The New Conspirators

    Creating the Future One Mustard Seed at a Time

    by Tom Sine
    Foreword by Shane Claiborne

    Tom Sine helps you to think critically and creatively about the world--the one that has been inherited and the one being crafted now. The New Conspirators offers encouraging signs that God's people can flourish in and minister to the changing and challenging world around them by living out their faith in small and great ways.

  • Hear Ye the Word of the Lord: What We Miss If We Only Read the Bible, By D. Brent Sandy

    Hear Ye the Word of the Lord

    What We Miss If We Only Read the Bible

    by D. Brent Sandy
    Foreword by John H. Walton

    In today's reading culture, it is easy to forget that we receive God's message far differently from how the original hearers would have heard it. D. Brent Sandy explores how oral communication shaped biblical writers and ancient hearers, and provides constructive ways for modern readers to be better hearers and performers of Scripture.