Showing 21 - 30 of 1010 results

  • Old Testament Theology, By Paul R. House

    Old Testament Theology

    by Paul R. House

    Paul R. House provides a comprehensive theology of the Old Testament, carefully exploring each Old Testament book, thematically summarizing its content, and showing its theological significance within the whole of the Old Testament canon. Student friendly and useful to a wide audience, this impressive work has proved a profitable read for many.

  • Exploring the Old Testament: A Guide to the Prophets, By J. Gordon McConville

    Exploring the Old Testament

    A Guide to the Prophets

    Exploring the Bible Series

    by J. Gordon McConville

    This critically informed and theologically sensitive introduction to the Prophets considers the often-misunderstood prophetic books of the Old Testament, including an exploration of their historical context, their artful use of language, and their place within the chorus of Old Testament voices.

  • 4029
    product set

    Knowing God Through the Old Testament Set

    In this one-of-a-kind three-volume set, Christopher J. H. Wright invites readers to look again at the narratives of the Old Testament to see the life of the Triune God as it unfolds for the first time in the covenant history of the people of Israel.

  • An Introduction to the Old Testament: Exploring Text, Approaches & Issues, By John Goldingay

    An Introduction to the Old Testament

    Exploring Text, Approaches & Issues

    by John Goldingay

    Enter the classroom of John Goldingay, one of today's premier biblical interpreters, and begin the adventure of exploring the Bible's First Testament. More workbook than handbook, this refreshing introduction to the Old Testament outfits you with basic knowledge, points out the main approaches, outlines the primary issues and then sets you loose to explore the terrain for yourself.

  • Embracing Rhythms of Work and Rest: From Sabbath to Sabbatical and Back Again, By Ruth Haley Barton

    Embracing Rhythms of Work and Rest

    From Sabbath to Sabbatical and Back Again

    Transforming Resources

    by Ruth Haley Barton
    Foreword by Ronald Rolheiser

    For pastors and leaders, the possibility of living in balanced rhythms of work and rest feels elusive. Ruth Haley Barton offers hard-won wisdom regarding rhythms of Sabbath, grounds us in God's intentions in giving us the gift of sabbath, and provides practical steps for embedding Sabbath rhythms into our churches and organizations.

  • The Liturgy of Creation: Understanding Calendars in Old Testament Context, By Michael LeFebvre

    The Liturgy of Creation

    Understanding Calendars in Old Testament Context

    by Michael LeFebvre
    Foreword by C. John Collins

    How were holidays chosen and taught in biblical Israel, and what did they have to do with the creation narrative? Michael LeFebvre considers the calendars of the Pentateuch, arguing that dates were added to Old Testament narratives not as journalistic details but to teach sacred rhythms of labor and worship. LeFebvre then applies this insight to the creation week, finding that the days of creation also serve a liturgical purpose.

  • Flood and Fury: Old Testament Violence and the Shalom of God, By Matthew J. Lynch

    Flood and Fury

    Old Testament Violence and the Shalom of God

    by Matthew J. Lynch
    Foreword by Helen Paynter

    Old Testament violence proves one of the most troubling topics in the Bible. Without softening or ignoring the most troubling realities of the text, Old Testament scholar Matthew Lynch addresses violence related to misogyny, racism, and nationalism in the Old Testament, yielding surprising insights into the goodness and mercy of God.

  • Old Testament Essentials: Creation, Conquest, Exile and Return, By Tremper Longman III

    Old Testament Essentials

    Creation, Conquest, Exile and Return

    The Essentials Set

    by Tremper Longman III

    Following the format of the Essentials series (as designed by Greg Ogden, author of Discipleship Essentials), this comprehensive guide from Tremper Longman offers a survey of the Old Testament for use in the context of a small group. Each study contains a question-answer format, a field-tested inductive Bible study and questions to draw out key principles.

    Number of Studies: 17

  • Knowing God the Father Through the Old Testament, By Christopher J. H. Wright

    Knowing God the Father Through the Old Testament

    Knowing God Through the Old Testament Set

    by Christopher J. H. Wright

    Christopher Wright explores in depth the Father images that pervade the biblical narratives, psalms and prophetic texts of the Old Testament. God is acknowledged as tender yet terrifying, challenging to the nations and yet intimately personal, offering loving care, provision, discipline and forgiveness.

  • The Old Testament Law for the Life of the Church: Reading the Torah in the Light of Christ, By Richard E. Averbeck

    The Old Testament Law for the Life of the Church

    Reading the Torah in the Light of Christ

    by Richard E. Averbeck

    How does the Old Testament Law fits into the arc of the Bible, and how it relevant to the church today? Exploring how God intended the Law to work in its original context as well as the New Testament perspective on the Law, Richard Averbeck argues that the whole Law applies to Christians—our task is to discern how it applies in the light of Christ.