Showing 41 - 50 of 53 results

  • Western Christians in Global Mission: What's the Role of the North American Church?, By Paul Borthwick

    Western Christians in Global Mission

    What's the Role of the North American Church?

    by Paul Borthwick
    Foreword by Femi B. Adeleye

    Missions specialist Paul Borthwick brings an urgent report on how the Western church can best continue in global mission. Providing current analysis of the state of the world and Majority World opinion, Borthwick offers concrete advice for North American churches who are ready to pursue genuine partnership with their non-Western counterparts.

  • Iglesia mestiza: Cinco siglos de justicia social, teología e identidad latina, By Robert Chao Romero

    Iglesia mestiza

    Cinco siglos de justicia social, teología e identidad latina

    by Robert Chao Romero
    Translated by Jesús Escudero Nava
    Foreword by Justo L. González

    El interés por la justicia social es palpable en América Latina, y Robert Chao Romero muestra la rica historia de esta tradición en la fe cristiana de este continente. Al recorrer esta historia de activismo y fe, lectores descubrirán que los cristianos latinos, la «iglesia mestiza», tienen un corazón conforme al de Dios.

  • Visions of Vocation: Common Grace for the Common Good, By Steven Garber

    Visions of Vocation

    Common Grace for the Common Good

    by Steven Garber

    Vocation is more than a job. It is our relationships and responsibilities woven into the work of God. In following our calling to seek the welfare of our world, we find that it flourishes and so do we. Garber offers here a book for parents, artists, students, public servants and business people—for all who want to discover the virtue of vocation.